More Than This[Draft]

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Okay so thank you CollinsandDevan2 for helping me come up with this resolution!

So i have a few scraped writing ideas that I've been working on but I haven't finished them yet😰😰 SOOO i decided to post this one on here and maybe you guys can give your feedback and possibly send me ideas or inspiration on how I should continue it!

What do you guys think? Can you help me?

Hey ya'll here is a light airy short story all about knowing someone for so long and finally realizing more about them. I got this idea and picture from the story "I Like My Best Friend" by the user MedleySky ! Check out the story and Disclaimer my short is not copying any of her characters or storyline! I hope you enjoy this! :)

Collins: (Flashback) 13, (Present) 20

Devan: (Flashback) 11, (Present) 18

Maggie(OC): (Flashback) 10, (Present) 17

Setting: Key Household, Ice Cream Shop


{Summer of 2009}

Collins and Devan Key sat on the steps of the front porch as their mother instructed them to do. Mrs. Key had arranged that her friend from work would have supper with them that evening and she was going to bring her daughter, Maggie Caine. To be good guests, she told her boys to wait for the mother and daughter outside. The brothers weren't sure what to expect. Was this girl going to be fun? They knew the girls at school just wanted to play with dolls or dress up like supermodels. Would they have anything in common with her? Would she be nice?

"Bro, is that her?" Devan asked pointing at a car that drove past their house. Collins shook his head, "No, mom said that the car was white." The younger one nodded slumping his chin into his hands. He was growing a little impatient. Collins just waited with little attention span. What was she going to be like?

Soon wheels rolled up the driveway catching their senses. She was here. The boys stood up and let their gaze stick to the vehicle. The car came to a full stop, parked, and the doors opened. Collins and Devan saw a short, brunette girl step out from the backseat. The girl had short curly hair, hazel brown eyes, and wore a Star Wars T-Shirt with yoga pants. When she spotted the boys, her eyes began to twinkle with excitement as she ran over to see them while mom went inside.

The brothers smiled as she came over. The girl stopped in front of them looking energetic, "Hi, I'm Maggie! What are your names?" Collins looked over at Devan who just stared back at him. The older one spoke for them, "I'm Collins and this is my brother Devan." The younger one just gave a shy wave in the girls direction. Devan can be a little nervous sometimes when getting to know new people. Maggie didn't think anything of it and gave them both hugs, "It's so nice to meet you guys! What should we play first?"

Right then the Key Bros knew they were going to like her. Collins suggested, "How about tag?" Maggie grinned, with a smirk, "Okay," she tapped Devan quickly on the arm, "Tag! You're it!" She giggled running away from him, and his older brother soon did as well. The shorter boy began to smile and chase after them.

They laughed and play together that whole day, and continued to for the next several years. The two boys soon found this girl to be their best friend. The group started going to the movies together, the park, and even just hanging out at the Key house. But one day, a couple years later(2013 to be exact), Maggie and her mom told the family that they were moving to Oregon and would only visit a few times a year. Devastated, Collins and Devan made the best of what time they still had together until she had to go.

Collins and Devan Key Short Stories/ImaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ