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Hey guys! This is going to be a Vollins short story requested by nataliekeyper16 ! Sorry for the long wait for this one! Please show this girl some love because she's awesome!! Anyways I really hope you enjoy this one it was fun to make! Love you all!

Collins: 20 years old

Devan: 18 years old

Merrell Twins: 2o years old

Setting: Key and Merrell Household


Devan laid in his bedroom reading off some comments he got on his latest artistic instagram post. It made him happy to see that the keypers really enjoyed his work. He skimmed around and began liking the fans comments and even responding to them. As he continued to stare at the screen, he saw a notification from Vanessa Merrell. Curious, he went over to the message and saw her type;

Nessa: Hey Dev! Roni and I really miss collabing with you guys! :) <3

Devan smiled at her text and started to respond back;

Devan: Hey Nessa! We do too, hopefully we can make some plans to do one soon! :)

When he was done with his comment, Nessa began to almost immediately respond back;

Nessa: Yay! Do you think the four of us could hang out Friday? We think it'd be nice to catch up on old times ;)

The young boy raised an eyebrow at the text. What was she planning here..? Devan went back and texted her saying;

Devan: I smell something fishy going on..

Devan: What's your plan?

Nessa: Pfft! What plan? I don't have a plan to get Collins and Roni together no wayyy...

Devan: Wow, good job with the sarcasm. I can feel it from over the phone XD

Nessa: Haha but seriously! Will you help me? I really think this would be great for both of them! Plus, they are my otp🤗💕

Devan couldn't help but grin at what she said. He's always had a feeling those two would get together and was rather surprised they hadn't yet. Maybe a little nudge wouldn't hurt, Devan thought. Another message was sent to him from Vanessa as he began to respond;

Nessa: So you in?

Devan: I'm in XD So let's hear the plan

{Time Skip}

Collins stood at the kitchen table practicing a magic trick he was trying to perfect. He fumbled with the cards, accidentally dropping a few on the floor. He huffed out some air, getting agitated that the illusion wasn't working in his favor. Come on, I can do more try, he thought reassuringly to himself. As the boy bent over to pick up the cards, he felt another presence walk into the room. Collins knew it was his brother so he didn't bother to look up, "Hey bro."

"Hey," he heard Devan begin to say, "how's your magic trick coming along?" Collins sighed, standing fully up, tossing the fallen cards on the table, "It''s getting there." His brother just smiled at him encouragingly, "You'll get it, bro. You always do." Collins nodded along with him, "Thanks, Dev."

The older one began to operate the illusion when Devan started to speak, "Soo, how would you feel I told you that I have a Youtube Video idea..?" Still working on the trick, Collins responded to the question, "I'd be surprised because I'm usually coming up with the plans." The other retorted, "Hey hey, who's the one who makes the snacks afterwards?" The eldest rolled his eyes playfully, "You.."

Collins and Devan Key Short Stories/ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now