Rewrite the Stars Part 1

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This is a Devnessa story I was inspired by "Rewrite the Stars" sung by Zac Efron and Zendaya if you wanna check it out up top! This was also suggested by ShaahzweenyEldiablo so thank you again! Okay anyways this will be a mix of a lot of things; love, hurt and comfort. I hope you enjoy!

About the song, I recommend to either play it before or after reading the short story. I don't want ya'll to get confused while your reading but if you WANT TO listen to it while you read go right ahead! That's just my preference! Anyways lets get started!

Collins: 23 years old

Devan: 21 years old

Veronica and Vanessa: 23 years old

Setting: a Park downtown

Devan ran as fast as he could. He didn't know where he was going, but anywhere he could just escape. His lungs were burning, his joints were locking up, he felt so weak. So the young boy stopped in his tracks, heaving to catch his breath. How long was he running for? He didn't remember. Tears began to sprit up into existence. No way of ceasing the moment, they glistened down his cheeks, he fell back into the grass behind him and cried out. How could this happen?

   @@@@A Couple Hours Earlier@@@@

Devan felt himself feel excited for the day. His heart thumped against his chest as he walked with his brother, Collins Key towards his jeep. The older one saw the boy look enthused and asked with a raise of an eyebrow, "What are you so excited for?" The other one just shook his head, keeping his good mood, "Nothing." Collins just shrugged with a laugh as they hopped in the vehicle.

They rode in the car and Devan couldn't help but smile the whole way. He was finally gonna do it. Something that he's been dying to keep inside was going to be said. He was going to go for it. Collins looked over at his brother, questioning why he's so excited. All they were doing was going to visit his girlfriend Veronica and her sister Vanessa. What was so special about that to the young key? He continued to push his thoughts away and drive.

Finally, the Key brothers arrived to the destination, a park downtown. Collins and Devan hopped out of the vehicle. The younger one looked around hastily, "Where are they?" The other was searching around as well but wasn't as hyper as Devan. Collins patted his brother's back, "They'll be here. Chill bro, what's the rush?" He was being serious. What was his brother's deal? Devan turned to him sheepishly, "Sorry, I just want to get the day started.." Collins still did not believe him, but let it go.

"Hey boys!" The two turned around and saw a pair of twins walking over to them. Devan's heart skipped a beat as he laid his eyes on the one he was waiting to see, Vanessa Merrell. The young man had been keeping in his secret crush on her for a few months. He wasn't sure his feelings were for her until recently but chose to not speak about it because sadly, she had a boyfriend. His name was Harrison Webb. The dude was a good guy and Devan pushed his feelings away when they got together to prevent conflict, but now he can't contain his passion for Nessa. He had to get his feelings off his chest. He was going to tell her he—

His thoughts stopped once they were only a few feet from the girls. Veronica came and gave Collins a long hug, "Hey babe." He hugged her back, planted his lips on hers, "Hey." Vanessa smiled at the couple and Devan did as well. They were pretty cute pair he had to admit. Collins and Roni had been together for a while now and had gotten so close. Devan was so happy for his brother and hoped the two stayed together. Nessa commented with a smirk, "Vollins all the way!" The couple just blushed slightly still hanging onto each other. Devan turned to her, trying to hold back a cheesy grin, "Hey, Nessa." She giggled, fluffing the boy's hair with her fingers, "Hey, Dev."

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