Heartbreak Part 2

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Hey ya'll! So I've decided to create a part 2 to heartbreak! I hope you enjoy it!

Here's where we left off:

Once the door shut, the younger one sighed as he grabbed his chinese food, thinking about what Collins said, "Stars cannot shine without darkness" He looked down at the sketch he was working on and frowned. How can stars shine if there's fog blocking it's sight?

Welp, hope you enjoy the chapter!😄

"Hey twigs" Devan looked up to see Jesse standing in front of him, "Just leave me alone Jesse! Where's the gain in doing this to me?!" Jesse gave a evil laugh, "To see you squirm" Without any notice, the bully slung his fist into Devan square in the face. The young boy toppled over onto the floor. Everything went dark. His eyes opened suddenly to see a spotlight on him and everything else around was pitch black. Cackles filled the void with harassment penetrating his heart.

"Why are you so awkward, Devan?"

"Do you wonder why you don't have friends, Devan?"

"Everyone hates you, just disappear, Devan!"

Disappear... For every harsh word, he got socked in the chest, his legs, his head. Devan dropped to his knees with uncontrollable sobs. No one cared, no one cares about him. No one can reach out to him? Was he that pathetic?!But suddenly, there were screams coming from the tormenters and he didn't feel the poundings anymore against his back. He continued to shake in fear on the ground until he felt a hand softly touch his back. Devan looked up and saw a glowing light with a silhouette of a girl staring at him. She had a kind complexion, she was beautiful with a soft smile directed to him. The boy felt his eyes sag and his body drop to the floor. Then he passed out with the last statement releasing him, "Better things are coming."....

Devan felt his body jolt in his sleep and he woke up with a gasping breath. His eyes came into focus, staring ahead across the room. His breathing was quick, tense. Sweat came down his forehead and he wiped them off trying to relax himself. It was all a dream Devan, he said to himself, but why did it feel so real?

He wiped a tear that came down his cheek and pulled himself out of bed. Devan rubbed his eye and yawned waking over to his dresser. As the boy went to open one of the drawers, his stomach twisted into a tight knot. If he goes to school today, they would all make fun of him again. Devan doesn't know how he'll avoid Jesse, as well as Chloe. He slowly closed his dresser drawer finding his solution.

The young boy left his bedroom and headed down the staircase towards the kitchen where his family ate breakfast. The scent of warm pancakes and crispy bacon lingered in the air as he inched closer. Devan thought it sounded delightful, but he was too depressed to eat anything. He turned the corner hearing his parents and Collins chatting about some family reunion coming up. Once the sophomore walked into the room, their faces depicted happiness yet they were confused why Devan was in his pajamas. The mother asked her boy slightly confused, "Morning Dev, shouldn't you be dressed by now?" He sighed looking down at his hands, "Can I stay home from school today? I'm not feeling well."

That confused the rest of the family. Devan has close to never missed a day of school. He'd always fight with his parents to take him to school even when he had 102 degree fevers. Devan was either really sick or something was wrong. Anne glanced at her husband and back to her son, "Of course, sweetie. I hope you get better. Do you want me to get you some pancakes? Bacon?" The boy looked at the stacked pancakes and bacon beside them on the table. It looked so good. But, Devan answered with a stutter, "I-I'm not really hungry right now. Maybe later."

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