Why? Part 2

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Hey yall!! I'm back to present you a part 2 to "Why?"! I'm sorry for all the feels in the last one, hopefully this will pull heart strings too..eheh SORRY! Anyways here's a recap of what was in the previous part;

"This is so like you, Devan! You don't know when to shut up and get out of people's business! I swear just get out of my life!"....

...The older key looked different. His once piercing yet soft blue eyes grew icy, cold and enraged. His arms were tense, not like his gentle presence. It wasn't him..

...Devan felt his own body begin to enrage. He didn't know why his brother screamed at him like that. However, the young one pushed it aside, not wanting to yell at Collins no matter what he said to him. Devan shifted his gaze behind him towards his mom and dad, they looked horrified. Collins never acted like this, something was wrong. Why was he doing this? Why?..

Okay, since we're all up to speed, let's get rolling!

It had been two days and Collins was still avoiding his family. He continued to spend his majority of time in his room, just sitting on his bed staring at the ceiling. Sleep deprived, miserable, beaten, are all things that can describe the Key brother. CreepyPasta34 harassed him two times more ever since he snapped at Devan. Why couldn't that person just leave him alone? Why can't everyone just leave him alone?!

Collins's stomach began to growl once again that morning, nagging him to get something in him. He hadn't eaten for at least 36 hours. When did he last eat...wasn't it two nights ago around midnight? Yeah, that was it. He just held his gut tightly as he felt the sensations of sharp daggers piercing into the sides of his insides. He never knew not eating could cause so much pain. Collins released a deep yawn rubbing his eyes. One other thing the boy hadn't gotten was sleep. He lost the sight for it being necessary, causing him to become sleep deprived.

The young man heard footsteps walk towards his locked door. A sound came from the other side, "Collins?" Ugh. It was Devan. What part of get out of his life did he not understand?

Devan stood in front of his brother's door and called to him, "Collins, please say something.." No response. The younger one was more afraid than ever for his sibling. Why hadn't he shaken out of his mood yet? It has been way too long in the boy's mind. He suddenly thought of something, "Collins..." tap tap tap tap tap he knocked on the door to a rhythm of a familiar song, "Do you wanna-"

"Go away, Devan!" Collins shouted from his room causing the shorter boy to wince. Devan gave a sheepish laugh, "Awe man, you're way too far ahead with the lyrics! But I guess the cold never bothered me anyway." No laugh, no sound, no fragment of dialect came from the older one. The concerned brother became less hopeful of trying to make him lighten up, "..Okay. Mom just sent me up here to get you for brunch. Uh, are you-"

"I don't want to eat." Devan frowned when he heard his answer. Collins hadn't came down to get food at all since the incident the other day. He wasn't starving himself, was he? The young one backed away from the bedroom door, "Okay..I'll see you later then." Will he?

{Time Skip}

After a few hours, Collins laid on his bed, feeling his eyelids start to droop. He allowed it mindlessly until a shooting agony filled his temple. He groaned put his fingers to his forehead to massage it. Nothing helped the migraine erupting. Everything hurt. His mind, body, and soul was anguished. Make it stop!

Eventually the pain in his head evaporated and the young man had to go take a wiz. Hey, he wasn't going to do it in his bedroom. He sighed, sitting up from his unmade bed and walked towards the door gloomily. He unlocked it and pulled on the doorknob.

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