Devan's Typing..

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Hey guys! This is gonna be a mix of tension and hurt/comfort. For people who'd worry if this is gonna be scary, it's far from it. This is something I got inspired to write from watching the reaction's to the video "Annie96 is typing..". The video of Reaction Time's Part 1 Reaction to it is up top if you guys want to check it out. I hope you enjoy it this will all be in Collins's POV(Point of View) just to let you all know! Hope you enjoy this! 🤗

Collins: 19 years old

Devan: 17 years old

Setting: Key Household/Text Messages


It was one of those usual Monday mornings, boring and gloomy. Devan and I were just at a party last night for our close friends, Bailey and Brooklyn McKnight. They just turned 16 and invited us to celebrate at their house with a few of their other friends. We happily agreed since we had gotten so close to the twins and plus I'm always down when there's cake involved..

Now it was 7:15 am and I had to take Devan to school. I woke up feeling exhausted, wishing I could stay under the soft, warm covers. But I knew I had to get my brother up for school, so I forced my achy body to get out of bed. As I made my way toward his bedroom, my parents came out of theirs with content expressions on their faces. I smiled at them, "Morning mom, morning dad!"

"Good morning, Collins," they said in unison, stopping in their tracks to give me hugs. My mom asked, kissing my forehead softly, "Are you waking your brother up?" I answered, "Yep, then I'm taking him to school." My dad wrapped his arm around his wife as they walked toward the kitchen, "Okay, he has about a half hour before you guys leave to get ready you know."

"Okay, I'll make sure he gets up right away then," I say, making my way to Devan's room. Once I'm in front if his bedroom door, I open it slowly, the hinges creaking in the process. I walk slowly towards his bed, realizing how neat and tidy his room was compared to mine. It's as if he has guests over to his bedroom and needs to keep it nice 24/7. Although the only thing that's not clean was his art workshop in the corner of the room. Trays of paint laid across the floor, paintbrushes were streamed on top of a table, and his canvas had splotches of paint all over it.

I looked over at my brother as I heard his slow breathing, deep in his slumber. I smiled at him.  I can't help but think Devan is so adorable when he sleeps. He looked like a little child or a baby pup. Unfortunately, I had to wake him. Without much thought, I placed my hands on Devan's back and shook him softly, "Dev...Dev. It's time to get up." The boy in bed moaned, twisting his body away from me. I continue to pester him, "Devan, it's time to wake up now or you'll be late for school."

He sat up in surrender, rubbing his eyes with a yawn, "Why does school have to be so early..?"I shrugged, helping him pull off the covers, "I don't know but come on. You have a thirty minutes before we have to leave." Obeyingly, Devan stood up from his bed and walked over to his dresser. Before he did anything, he looked over at me without moving. I persisted to stand there until I got the clue, "Ohh! Right, right sorry." Embarrassingly, I left his bedroom, shutting his door tightly as he began to get ready for the day.

Twenty eight minutes later(yes..exactly twenty eight minutes later, don't judge me), Devan stepped out of the bathroom towards the living room to grab his book bag. Our mother smiled at him, "Morning, my darling." My brother glanced in her direction, but continued to fumble with his jacket he was zippering on, "Hi, mom." Odd, I get Devan was tired but that was a slightly cold response.

I shrug it off and went to grab two granola bars that my dad held out to me. I handed one to Devan who was now putting his book bag straps across his shoulders, "For the way there." I was pretty sure he could finish it in the car cause we lived fifteen minutes from the school. Devan took it from me and mumbled, "Thanks." I looked over at my parents who wearily smiled at us, "I'll see you when I get home." My dad waved, "Okay, we'll see ya." Mom grinned at us, "Bye Devan. Hope you have a good day!"

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