Chapters Part 1

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Hey guys! So here is a Devnessa story that will take a different turn than usual, it's going to span out for different points of time! It's going to bounce around a little dont worry I'll make sure it's not confusing! This was requested by ibbesties so please show her some love because she deserves it! Anyways I hope you guys enjoy this!!

(Ages vary cause the time gaps)

Collins: 20 years old

Devan: 18 years old

Merrell Twins: 20 years old

Setting: Key Brother Household

Devan Key was upstairs in his bedroom that particular day. He was working on a painting with high concentration, his attention on his art. Collins was downstairs filming with twin girls that Devan never met. Even though he was curious about who they were, he didn't want to disturb them from filming. The boy laid another coat of paint on his canvas, his tongue sticking out in the process.

As he was finishing up a streak, there was a knock on the door. He called to the person, not removing his eyes from his work, "Yeah?"

"Yo bro! Me and the Merrell Twins finished filming and we were thinking of ordering some pizza. Want to come join us?" It was Collins from the other side of the door. There was evident eagerness in his voice for his brother to come out if his room. Devan thought for a moment glancing back at his creation. He shrugged, It wouldn't hurt to take a break.. He soon pulled himself from his workshop, "Coming!"

The young boy walked towards the door and grasp the knob and twisted it open. He winced suddenly as a cramp stung through his wrist. Devan grimaced as he walked out of the room and began to massage his palm with his fingers, I guess I've been holding the paintbrush for too long.. Collins stood in the doorway facing him with a smile, "Hey bro," he then noticed the pain in Devan's expression and frowned knowingly, "hand cramp?" The other nodded and groaned quietly. The older one laughed a little, "Dude you work yourself to the bone!" Devan smiled as well, still twirling his wrist around to stop the hurting, "Yeah I gotta take more breaks.."

The two exchanged a cackle and began to walk across the hall and down the steps. The was a sound a feminine chatter from the living room that Devan assumed was their guests. He was growing interested in knowing what these girls looked like or how they acted. Were they nice? Would they be happy to see him? Only one way to find out, he said to himself.

Collins and Devan took their final steps off the staircase and rounded the corner to see two girls talking on the couch, their heads facing the opposite direction. Black wavy hair that reminded Devan of a midnight sky bounced as the two giggled for no apparent reason to them. Collins began the introduction, "Hey guys, I want you to meet my little brother Devan. Dev, this is Veronica and Vanessa Merrell."

The two girls stood up from their cushions and spun around to meet the young boy. He first saw Veronica whom smiled at him kindly, "Hey, I'm Roni. It's nice to meet you Devan!" The key brother could tell he'd really like this girl. She had a sweet smile as she held out her hand to him. He took it and shook hands, his lips turning up, "You too."

"Hey, I'm Nessa!" Hearing the other voice, Devan turned around to see the identical twin and his movement came to a halt. She had the same features as her sister but there was a different glow that he was suddenly drawn to. Her eyes that sparkled as they hit his, her defined dimples formed when she smiled. It gave him a feeling of butterflies inside and his face began to burn. They were both pretty girls...but for some reason he couldn't take his eyes off Vanessa.

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