My Love

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Hey you all! So here's a story that's not like the other's I've written. This time, the boys are going to be a lot older and one is going to be married. Yep, time jump but I hope you guys enjoy this short! Shout out to GuardianDragon790 for encouraging me to broaden my writing style and ideas!😄💕

Collins: 26 years old

Devan: 24 years old

Setting: Various Places that may potentially give away the plot!😂😂


Collins smiled as he woke up that morning. He felt refreshed from his deep sleep. Today was going to be a good day, he thought happily to himself. His spirits rose as he turned to see his beautiful wife laying in the bed next to him.

Veronica Merrell..or Veronica Key now.

He had met her six years ago and had always been drawn to her. One day he got the courage, thanks to his loving brother, Devan Key, to ask her out and she accepted instantly. Veronica and Collins dated for many years till the young man popped the big question. Now they were connected for life.

Now a year later, Collins has been planning an anniversary dinner for them at one of the fanciest restaurants in California tonight. He hoped she'd enjoy it because he'd hate to disappoint her. The boy looked at Veronica lovingly as she slept. She's so adorable, he thought. He leaned his face towards hers and pecked her cheek softly, rubbing her arm with his hand, "Morning sunshine." Veronica opened her eyes tiredly feeling the prickles of Collins's stubble brush her skin, "Collins...Collins what time is it?"

He smirked hugging her around, "Time for you to give me my morning kiss." The girl rolled her eyes playfully, "Why do you have to be so cheesy?"

"You know you love it."
"I do." They giggled and leaned in, starting to kiss tenderly. Even though it's been 365 days of marriage, it felt like they were just getting started with their new life together. They knew it would stay that way, full of life and wonder.

Roni pulled away suddenly, beginning to shut her eyes tightly. It came to a startle for Collins. He asked concerned as his wife rubbed her head, "You okay?" She looked over at him after a second, she looked tired, "Yeah..yeah, I've just been getting headaches and nausea lately." He frowned. The husband hated to see her miserable, "I'm sorry, Roni. Catch something from the daycare?"

Veronica had gotten a job as a preschool teacher in the area. It wasn't her biggest ambition but she loved working with the children. She sighed closing her eyes, "Maybe..I'm gonna call out sick today." Collins smiled at her, "Good, get some rest. You deserve it how hard you take care of those crazy kids," he thought for a moment, "Maybe I should cancel going mini golfing with Devan today so I can take spend time with you." The woman shook her head at him, "No, go have fun with your brother. You don't have to watch me sleep all day."

"I wouldn't mind to." Veronica nudged him playfully, "Also I want you to spend time with your little brother." Collins was going to argue again but he gave in, "Are you sure?" She kissed him quickly, "Positive, now go have fun." He smiled at her as she spoke, "You know I love you right?" Roni smiled back, "Every time I wake up and see your handsome face." Their lips came into contact once more, Collins then stood and went to get ready for the day.

{Time Skip}

"You got this, bro. Just ease your wrist softly..," Devan instructed, squatting by the hole with intense attention. Collins shifted his weight steadily holding his golf club firmly in his palms. He breathed in and swung the stick slightly too hard and toward the wrong direction. The older one groaned as soon as he felt the ball fly across the coarse. Devan frowned as well watching the yellow ball ricochet off the back rim of the brick barrier surrounding them and halting to a stop.

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