Chapter 14: Sexy and I know it

Start from the beginning

 No one denied his statement, they could all feel the Dark Mark on their arms, and they knew it had to be the Dark Lord, who else would it be? Who else had the vast power that Lord Voldemort had, the darkened and evil energy which he produced? Who else could make their Dark Marks stir to life other than the Dark Lord himself?

Draco froze, shocked and terrified. The Dark Lord was back? Images of all that occurred since the Dark Lords rebirth and the invasion of his home, life, and even thoughts came to mind. He couldn’t sleep because of him, he couldn’t forget because of him, he couldn’t live because of him, and he was completely shattered because of him. Draco felt his mother’s grip tighten on his hand and he squeezed it back. He would be strong for her; he would always be strong for her.

“What is it that we do then Lucius?” Nott Sr. asked.

“We wait,” Travers said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Yes Travers because that worked out so well last time,” Jugson growled, his features distorted.

“Well what is it then? Where is the Dark Lord if not dead?”  Travers retorted.

“He’s gaining his powers, regenerating. For now we wait for his call,” Lucius said matter-of-factly. “But as of now we should regain our numbers.”

“And use our useless children?” Nott Sr. retorted with a chuckle.

“Unlike your son who has grown weak and fallen for a filthy Mudblood, there are other capable children,” Lucius sneered looking down at Nott with disgust. His son had already tarnished their name and when the Dark Lord returned he wouldn’t be at all happy.

Nott Sr. tried to come up with a good enough comeback but he couldn’t. His son was weak and he had read the Daily Prophet, he was disgusted by him. Satisfied Lucius turned towards Draco.

“Draco, do you know some of your peers who would be willing to serve the Dark Lord once more?” He asked his son, hating to put him on the spot but it needed to be done. He needed the others to truly believe he was a loyal death eater as well as his son, considering that they were the only ones vindicated for their crimes.

“Pansy Park-” Before Draco could finish the name he was interrupted.

“You leave my daughter out of this!” Pansy’s father yelled, not knowing at all why he was doing so. He thought about his daughter, yes she was capable, he made sure of that, but the thought of her with a Dark Mark repulsed him. Sure he didn’t show her that he cared but he protected her from joining the ranks, didn’t that mean something? The others turned to look at him with glares. “She’s too weak; she wouldn’t last through the marking.”  He added trying to come up with a reasonable explanation. They seemed to understand his reasoning and turned their attention back on Draco and Lucius. Pansy’s father released a breath he had held and also continued to focus.

“I’m not quite sure,” Draco said in a rough voice. He didn’t like all the eyes on him. “The rest of the returning Slytherin’s supported Potter and his lot during the war.”  And this was true so Draco didn’t feel too nervous, on the outside though he continued to look as if he was completely bored with the entire conversation and meeting.

“Draco must get going dear. Others will notice his absence,” Narcissa said aloud wanting her son to be gone from such business. He already had to go through this once, she didn’t want him to go through it a second time. But even she knew that she had no control. If the Dark Lord returned, hell would be let lose all over again.

Lucius nodded his head and Draco stood up but not before giving his mother a kiss on her cheek and squeezing her hand one last time.  Draco nodded to his father and turned to walk out of the dining room.

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