Chapter 2

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          Little did I know, that same day, would be a life changing experience. I was only in 3rd grade. Your still a kid then. You don't really know reality and what goes around in this world. When your 10, your kinda just starting to evolve around it.

          I was at recess just spending time with my only friend that really understood me, Kenny. We were bored and just walking around. We didn't really know what to do. We would just do anything that would pass the time away. One side of our playground, there's these huge rows of tires lined up against each other. You could run across them, sit on them ANYTHING it depends on the creativity you have. We were on the whole other side of the playground, when we saw Michael just walking around on the tires. We were bored so we thought, maybe Michael would hang out with us, besides he's probably just as bored as we are! So I started walking over toward there. Kenny was kinda confused at first. "Where are you going?" "I wanna see if Michael wants to play with us. Is that okay if he does?" "I guess not." Considering the fact that it was my idea, I led the way. Kenny followed shortly after. Michael was just sitting on one of the tires as we made our way over to him. "Hey Michael!" He was kinda quiet at first and rather confused probably because why have we just started to talk to him now. Well my answer is, we just kinda opened our eyes and just noticed! "We were bored, and it looked like you were too! So I wanted to see, if you wanted to play with us? I'm Jenna if you didn't know that already." "I know and he's Kenny we ARE in the same class." " is that a yes?" "Sure. Why not?" Michael was kinda quiet at first. He has tanish colored skin, has a little fro (if you wanna call it that) or you could just say he has poofy hair. Kinda on the taller side he wasn't like a giant but I wouldn't call him short either. Also he had glasses. He was quiet at first, but you gotta just wait for him to open up and really get to know him. And after that experience, I really didget to know him!

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