Chapter 7

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          Well automatically, I knew things just went for the turn of the worst. Michael right away got defensive and I knew this wasn't going to be pretty! Right away I saw Michael get onto his feet and started to scream at the top of his lungs. I couldn't blame him though. People can't always get what they want, and I think Cameron is just starting to realize that.

          After about twenty minutes of pure awkwardness for the rest of us, I was pretty sure everything was getting back to normal again! Michael's mom obviously had to have a talk with Cameron and I'm pretty sure that just shut him up for the rest of the day. In my mind I was praying that it would! Not just for the sake of the party, but also for Michael's sake. Because seeing your best friend having that smile on your face, just can't help but make you smile too!

          Everyone was enjoying themselves for the rest of the time! Cameron finally minded his own business and went along with everything Michael had planned. Then it was time for the best part of the day when your 10 years old... the cake! It was great! Well just as cake should be! Everyone loved the cake and kept eating more and more at the minute! We all felt like pigs by the time we were leaving, but at that moment, I don't think it mattered that much. I think all that mattered was that we had cake. And that's it!

          I'm pretty sure after all of the playing and messing around, PLUS all of the cake everyone ate, we all wanted to go home. Jerry, Brittany, and I were the last ones still there. So after my mom and Michael's mom were done talking, we all left. We gave our goodbyes, I gave my best friend a hug goodbye and off we went. And I wouldn't see him till I knew where our next adventure would take us... once we go back to school.

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