My Top 7 Nintendo Switch Games of 2017.

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Oh boy it's hard to believe 2017 is already almost over. When I first got my Switch back in July I played exclusively Zelda for a month until Splatoon 2 released unless I had a friend over, then I popped in ARMs and we played that.

Now to close out this year I'll be doing my top 7 games of 2017. The only game I haven't fairly played that I own is Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle which I just got yesterday so I can't place it on the list since that wouldn't be fair to the game. Now without further adieu, let's begin!

#7 Mighty Gunvolt Burst!

Now like many, I was put off by the fact that this game featured Beck from Mighty No. 9, but if you give it a fair play through it's an amazing game. The game also featured the Azure Striker series and combined the two worlds. Now I've never played the Azure Striker games but the game does a good job conveying the basics of that world and its lore.

The game has a beautiful 2D pixel design and is the Megaman successor Mighty No. 9 could only dream of being. The level design is fun and the bosses are a blast to fight and offer up a nice challenge. 

The only problems are that the game really is Megaman 10.5 (Because 11 is a thing now.) but not even. The gun editing ability feels like a shoehorned way to have the abilities that damage bosses from beating a previous boss like Megaman and it's also a short as Megaman. It even steals the boss rush for the final level.

I also think it was a tad overpriced, it is $10 but really should've been $5-$7 because of how short it is. To add on top of that it shoehorned in DLC characters as well to get even more money from you! The story feels rushed and tacked on, at least some of the later Megaman games actually tried with story. 

But the thing that made it all worth it was the final boss. I won't spoil it but the final boss alone is worth playing the game because he is the most amazing and hilarious thing that will ever grace this world. 

Unfortunately this game just can't compare to the other games on this list, it was OK but not good enough.

#6 Sonic Mania.

(Yeah I know this isn't an exclusive but it was on the Switch so it counts!_

Sonic Mania, what more is there to say other than this game is astounding. The graphics are beautiful, the stages are well designed, and the music is one of the greatest things of all time. 

Everything to be said about this game has already been said by countless other people who have reviewed the game so there's really no reason for me to repeat the same thing you've heard over and over. This game is only $20 and is well worth the price, I cannot encourage you enough to buy this game.

I even think it's better than the original Sonic games, they were good don't get me wrong but this game. This game was something truly special and brought Sonic back to his former glory, that is until Forces fucked it all up and ruined Sonic again.

#5 ARMS.

Ooh low blow for a game that was just announced to no longer be receiving new content. ARMS is an underwhelming game. While its core formula is a very good one and the first month sales were very good it has become the black sheep of Nintendo IPs. 

The game released with substantially less content than a $60 AAA game should've. And while I believe the onslaught of content that soon followed brought the value up some, it wasn't enough. 3.8 new characters, a new mode, a ripoff Splatfest, and an achievement system wasn't enough to save this game.

I think it could've done substantially better if 1. Nintendo had given it another year or maybe even 2 of development to fully flesh it out. Or 2. If they had priced it at $40. Because that's what this game is, a $40 game.

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