The Odyssey Countdown: 17

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Today's subject will be really simple, the T Rex. I just want to take a moment to appreciate how Nintendo knew we'd all be amazed by a T Rex in Mario so they made that the introduction to the E3 trailer.

This T Rex is just awesome, for one it looks very realistic and not very stylized so it provides a nice contrast to the environment. I also just like the idea of running around smashing things out of my way and destroying enemies with the power of the T Rex.

I really hope it makes its way into the boss fight of that area somehow because honestly that could only make the fight cooler. What I do want to see is more dinosaurs though. I understand that the T Rex alone is great but just imagine if there's a whole Jurassic Park to pick from. You could fight against other dinosaurs and it'd be like playing some kind of prehistoric simulator.

I do think that I will go out of my way to spend most of my time in that kingdom as a T Rex just because of the fact that I can possess a real T Rex in a Mario game and run freely with it. Really what more is there to say other than: T Rex hype! 

I know this chapter was much shorter than the others but I didn't rally have much to talk about this time around. I just wanted to mention how much I love the T Rex and would want to see more dinosaurs join the roster. That's all for now, thanks for reading and have a nice day!

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