Chapter Fifty-One

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Lexa's POV-
Luna stands up as leader of the boat clan to issue the first vote, ravens eyes are on her the whole time. "I've learnt a lot about the Sky people, I've learnt of their compassion and I know that all that want is peace. In fact Raven here next to me is funny, smart and has the biggest heart." Raven scrunches up her nose at this but her cheeks also turn a light shade of red. "We need these type of people to remind us that yes we do need to survive but we also need to have fun and laugh once in a while. Because life is more than just surviving. so I vote yes to this alliance" and then she sits down. There is a small about of chatter and then the next leader stands up.

"I worry that skaikru could be a threat to our clan as they have been in the past, I am not so easy at trusting people. You'll have to earn it. A No vote from me"  and with that he sits down. I hold back all the defensive words that I want to say and I nod.

"I believe that with skaikru's knowledge we can beat the mountain men once and for all. It's our only hope of getting our people back... it's a yes from me"

Many nod in agreement. By the end it's a fifty-fifty vote with trikru last to vote. "Indra.." I mutter to the woman sitting next to me. Indra nods and stands up.

"The mountain men threatened us, saying that if we use any guns or bombs then they'll wipe us out. We don't have to worry about that anymore. It's a yes. If the alliance is what the commander wants then it's what I want" Indra says with a respectful nod. I nod back at her and she sits down.

"Thank you everyone for taking the time to share your thoughts. It appears, if my calculations are correct... skaikru will be a part of the coalition. The ceremony commences in two days"


Clarke has her head in my lap and is staring up at me. I stroke her hair slightly. "They want me" she says softly.

"Of course they do" I say as I place my hand on her cheek. She smiles softly and just stares into my eyes. There is something very special about the way she is looking at me right now. It's a moment that I will never forget.

"I love you" she says softly. "This has always been about you, about being with you. I want the alliance as well and I want to save our people but I look at you right now and I feel so selfish because I know you are the main reason I wanted to be apart of the coalition" she states. "It's because I've always been in love with you"

"I love you too. It's okay to be selfish sometimes. Especially when good comes out of it for others"

"You are the least selfish person I know Lexa" she says with a laugh.

"I have been told that love is weakness more than I can count, perhaps to protect my people but with you I feel strong and I think there is something selfish in that"

"Not at all" she says as she stares up at me. I smile slightly and lean down and kiss her. I pull away shortly after and theirs something different in her eyes, some type of desire or craving. She sits up, sitting next to me. She looks flustered.

"What's wrong? What's going on in that brain of yours?" I say jokingly. Clarke looks the other way. "Clarke, what's going on?"

"I want to take all your clothes off and kiss every inch of your body" she says.

"What's wrong with that?" I ask with a chuckle.

"I'm trying to decide if I should do it or not" she says, she's still not facing me. I smirk and wrap my arms around her waist and press my lips against the back of her ear.

"Do it" I say before softly biting her ear. She turns around quickly and smashes her lips against mine while pulling my shirt up.

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