Chapter Two

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Clarke's POV-
The ground is pretty, I am so happy that chancellor Jaha decided to come down to earth. My mother tells me that nearly a hundred years ago our ancestors lived on the ground. We haven't seen any animals or people yet but my father says that we can eat plants if there are no animals. I've never had meat but on the arc we had a place that grew food so we never really ran out. But the arc had its limits, there's so much more places to go on earth unlike like the arc where you couldn't get away from anyone.

 I walk towards the trees that are outlining the clearing that the arc fell in, I want to see what's beyond this place. We have been here for a day and the children aren't allowed to leave but I think I can sneak off, I am thirteen so I am still classified as a child apparently. A hand wraps around my arm and turns me around, my eyes meet my fathers. He is kneeling down to meet my height. "You know the rules, kiddo" my father says before ruffling my hair. I hit his arm away because I hate it when he does that, I flatten my hair aggressively and glare at him. "I know that Jaha won't float people anymore or arrest people for silly crimes but you still should listen to the rules sweetheart" he says. I nod and walk back towards the arc with him. When we get to the room we are staying in (the room that we have always been in,) he gives me a pencil and a notebook, he then points out the window. "What do you see?" He asks.

"I see a sunsetting behind the tries, I see birds flying by a building in the distance. A building that wasn't destroyed by the bombs" I say with excitement, the first sign of life that I have seen that isn't human. I sure am experiencing a lot of firsts today.

"Did you say you saw birds?" He asks excited.

"Yes, look at them" I point out the window, he smiles. "Does this mean that there is life on earth?"

"I think it does, draw what you see sweetheart. I'll be right back" he says before leaving the room. I look down at my notebook and I open it. I have a talent for drawing and I could draw things that look exactly like something since I was five. I am a fast learner and I have always enjoyed drawing. When I finish drawing what I see, I walk outside and sits against the outside wall of the arc and I draw the small pond where there are bushes surrounding it. I draw the happy people, running around and having fun. When I'm sick of drawing I begin to write down things that I'd like to draw, although I am a good drawer my writing is terrible. When it's dark I go back inside to my family's room. My mother is asleep on one of the beds, I curl in next to her and her eyes flutter open.

"Hi Clarke" she says sleepily.

"Hi mum, can I have dinner?" I ask her. She nods and we both get up and walk to the cafeteria area. I see Wells eating with the chancellor, his father. I sit next to him and he seems happy to see me, he usually is because he is my best friend. My mother walks off to get herself and me some food. "Do you want to see my drawings that I did today?" I ask him.

"Of course Clarke" he says happily. I open my notebook and show him all the nature drawings that I have done. "These are amazing." He says. I'm not sure if he's telling the truth though because I could show him a drawing of a stick figure and he would still say that it's amazing.

"Thanks" I say. The chancellor looks over at my drawings and he smiles.

"Happy to be on earth, Clarke?" he asks. Although I hear many people talk badly of Chancellor Jaha, I can tell that he is a good man that has to make hard choices. Sometimes I feel sorry for him because I know that some of those choices kill him inside but he knows that he has to make them to insure that his people stay safe.

"Yes, it is very beautiful. I wish that we could leave the arc and do some exploring. There is more for me to draw out there" I say, trying to make him feel guilty for keeping us here. We have spent our whole lives inside a metal box and now that we have a chance to get out of it we are not even allowed to explore?

"You will get the opportunity soon, we will be taking all the children on a walk tomorrow afternoon. A hundred of you" jaha says, I feel a smile appear on my face. Finally he says something that I want to hear until suddenly he says something I don't "You will have some guards with you just in case there are any dangerous animals, there seems to be no sight of humans yet" He says. Apparently my father didn't mention the birds. Also I don't want to have guards with us when we go out there, I want to just explore the world.

"Apart from us of course" Wells jokes.

"That's not true, I saw birds flying in the sky just before... Look I drew them" I say before taking out one of my drawings and showing it to both of them. 

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