Chapter Twenty-One

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Clarke's POV-
I run over to Lexa and the guards let me. I feel her pulse and it is low. Her black blood is drenching the floor. I push down on the wound. Titus comes running out. "Is she alive?" He asks. I look up at him and nod.

"Barely" I state. "We need a healer that is better than me" I say to him. I look at my hands that are now stained with Lexa's blood. Lexa suddenly comes back to consciousness. Titus runs off to go find a healer.

"I'm so sorry Clarke" Lexa stutters. I look down at her confused.

"There is nothing to be sorry about" I say, confused.

"I failed you, I'm so sorry"

"You didn't fail me Lexa, you killed Neka and you are going to live"

Lexa's POV-
"You didn't fail me Lexa, you killed Neka and you are going to live" Clarke says to me. She bushes a piece of hair away from my face. "I promise you"

"Don't make promises you can't keep Clarke" I cough out the words. Clarke has tears coming from her eyes now.

"This is a promise that I will keep" she says before I lose consciousness.


I wake up in a big bed, this is the commanders room that I am in. I recognise it from all the times I went to speak to Willa. I look next to me and see Clarke sitting on a chair sleeping. "Clarke" I say, it comes out raspy because of the lack of water I have had. Clarke jolts awake and when she sees me she smiles brightly.

"You're awake" she says with a smile.

"It looks like you did keep your promise Clarke" I say.

"Of course I did, I care about you" she says to me, her eyes are filled with admiration and worry. I try to sit up but the pain in my stomach is horrible. "Don't sit up" she says stopping me. "You need to rest, they will make you Commander when you are ready"

"Clarke, I worry that without a Heda the system will crash. Your people will come after us when I don't have a chance to give you and your friends back" I explain to her. Clarke gives a supportive smile.

"My people don't know that there is anyone else yet, the guards have been watching them everyday" Clarke explains. "They only told me this because they heard you muttering my name in your sleep so they must have thought I was important to you"

"You are. Clarke I have a promise to make to you now" I say. "I promise that when I am Commander that I will give you back to your people and I will let them know that they are not alone on the ground" I tell her.

"How do you think that will go?" Clarke asks.

"I don't know, if what you say is true. They will laugh in my face because I am so young and I am Commander, I don't think they will believe much that i say but it's worth a try"

"Trust me Lexa, you are smarter than half the people on the arc. If they laugh in your face I'll punch them in the face"

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