Chapter Eighteen

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Clarke's POV-

The next day I notice that Lexa is nervous, there is one young girl there. She's about thirteen and Lexa has been told to fight her to the death. The girl looks twice as nervous as Lexa does. Before the fight I take Lexa's hand. "Remember what i said, sometimes you need to do some bad to create good" I say looking her in the eyes. Lexa nods, i kiss her on the cheek and she turns to go fight. I watch as she walks into the arena area. She takes out her sword and her eyes land on the girl. The girl turns her war face on, she is ready to fight the girl who killed the Commander. Lexa shows no emotion on her face. Lexa begins to get impatient because the girl isn't making the first move, she gives a basic slash of her sword. The girl new this was coming because she disarms Lexa straight away.

Lexa's POV-

"You don't think I look for weakness too Lexa?" She asks me. I step back, she has her sword pointed at me. "You wait for the person to strike first, every time... if they take to long you get impatient" she says. I keep moving backwards but she keeps coming towards me. I have to think quick. I look at how she is holding her sword, tightly. She has a good grip. She begins slashing at me and I dodge while looking at her grip. Her grip loosens when she is bring the sword back towards her. She slashes towards me again, I dodge it and she is bringing it back, I kick the sword out of her hand.

"I guess you didn't notice that I use my feet" I say before kicking her in the head. She falls to the ground with blood coming out of her nose. I pick up her sword and swing it around. As I'm walking towards her I watch her feet. She tries to trip me but fails because I saw it coming. I jump and when I come back down I bring the sword down into her chest. She looks up at me with wide, scared eyes. I kneel beside her. "I am sorry"

"I-It's o-okay Lexa, I hope..." she says while coughing up blood. "-you become heda"  and with that she dies. I shut her eyes. "Your fight is over" I say before standing up and walking away. The crowd is cheering but all I feel is misery.


The next day comes quickly and there is no mention of Luna or if they have found her. If they had they would have bought her back here to be executed. Today I am fighting the only person left, Neka. I am not looking forward to it because we are some thing like friends. 

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