Chapter Twelve

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Lexa's POV-
That one moment changed everything, the way I ran across the room. The way I killed two guards in the process, the way I dodged the other guards. The way my sword clashed with Commander Willa's sword just in time, just before it hit Clarke in the neck and finally the way I said the words that would completely stop her from killing Clarke or me on the spot. I walked out with Neka because I didn't have the words to say to Clarke about why I killed two people to save her. Mostly because I didn't know myself. "You challenged the Commander?"

"Yes" I mutter.

"And she is your sister?" Neka asks. "Why didn't anyone know this?"

"Because she and I both didn't want anyone to know, my mother and father gave her to polis when she was a small child. She had killed someone, she was two years old and she had killed someone. There were witnesses that said that the way she killed this person was pure evil. So they took her to polis and soon after they found out she was a night blood. An evil night blood" I explain. "I wasn't even born yet when she was sent here but I had alway known that she is my sister"

"So you don't even know how she fights?" Neka asks. I shake my head. I haven't fought Willa before and I never planned to until today. "Lexa you're a good fighter but I don't think you are good enough to beat the Commander"

"Would you excuse me? I'd like to be alone" I say before walking to my room. I lay down on my couch and stare at the dull ceiling. The fight is scheduled for tomorrow where either Willa or myself will die. I wonder what it would have been like to know her as a sister and not just the Commander and then I realise that I don't want to know her because I know of her and I don't like what I hear. I've talked to her and all I've felt was hatred. Willa may be my sibling but she isn't my sister. I stand up and walk to the door when I hear a knock. It's costia.

"yu laik na gonplei heda? (You are going to fight the Commander?)" Costia asks worried. I frown at how fast the news has travelled, Costia doesn't even live in the Commander tower and she knows.

"sha, gon our kru (yes, for our people)" I reply but she doesn't believe me.

"No, gon klark, gon skaikru (No, for Clarke, for sky people)" she says with jealously lacing her face. "Ai don nou heard gon klark taim nau (I have not heard about Clarke until now)" she mutters. Jealously continues to show in her body language and her voice.

"Gon em ste nou won gon osir, gon yu know ai like yu costia (because she is not one of us, because you know i like you Costia)" I say. She looks at me and shakes her head.

"Ba yu laik nou ready hodnes ( but you are not ready, love)" costia replies. She's right, she knows I like her and I know she likes me but I have told her that I am not ready for a relationship at my age. "klark may nou be won gon osir ba kom yu em will be, yu hodnes skaikru (Clarke may not be one of us but to you she will be, you love sky people)"

"Bilaik ste nou true (that is not true)" I lie. The truth is, the sky people excite me. From the moment I saw them land I knew that they would interest me. Costia knew I was lying so she left me standing there. I have a feeling that I won't be seeing her for a while.

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