Chapter One

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Lexa's POV-
Luna stands in front of me with a long wooden stick in her hand, crafted for training to fight. She spins her training stick around in her hands which forces me to roll my eyes in annoyance. "hod op Luna.(Stop Luna.)" I say to the older girl in front of me. She is seventeen and I am fifteen which would make you think this fight is unfair but we are both night bloods, hoping to be the next Commander. We both came from the same Clan (Trikru) which is also a clan full of warriors and to judge someones ability by their age is an insult.

 Anyway, The main thing that goes through the night bloods minds is becoming commander and what we will do once we become leader of the twelve clans. For me, I want to unite the clans and make a coalition that will hopefully lead to peace. That's why all of us need to train so that one day we will have to find each other to get that honor. Sadly, my best friend Luna falls in this group along with me. 

"Ste yo fir krom ge hurt Leksa? (Are you scared to get hurt Lexa?)" Luna asks. I can see the corner of her lips turn up and I roll my eyes. I pick up my stick and get into fighting stance. If she wants to play this game then fine. 

"No, yu laik just branwada (no, you are just foolish)" I reply. I charge at her and she blocks my hit. I scoff angrily and twirl my stick around to hit her again but as I do it she jabs me in the shoulder where my armour is, this not only means I lose but it also caused this move to be a total failure... I miss her completely. I let out a groan, feeling defeated by the fact that I had lost so easily. I had let my annoyance stop me from thinking straight. 

"Yo na beat ai Leksa (you can beat me Lexa)" she says and the look of concern fills her face. I have beaten Luna plenty of times but today their is a lot on my mind. It wasn't just Luna's showing off that distracted me, I have looked past that before... this was something else. I saw something last night when I was wondering the woods, which i'm not allowed to do but what the commander doesn't know won't hurt. 

A large metal ship had fallen from the sky and of course with my curiosity, I had to see what it was and to my surprise people started to walk out. I had only heard stories of people coming from space but this had made it very real. On my way back to Polis, I had made the decision not to mention it to anyone because the commander is ruthless and if she were to know who knows what would happen. She would probably make slaves of them or kill them and these people look like they come in peace. "Talk krom ai Leksa (talk to me Lexa)" Luna says concerned. Because Luna is my friend I will tell her but I don't get the chance because Titus appears through the trees and into the clearing. 

"Why have you two separated from the others?" Titus asks, using English. I search my mind, what does separated mean again? Oh right dividing or going away from something, My English isn't perfect yet but I try my best to speak it all the time so that I can be completely fluent. 

"We do not need to spend every second with the others Titus" Luna says. "Our training had ended and we wanted to do our own training"

"You need to tell me when you leave Naitblidas (nightbloods)" he mutters. My eyes wonder to his tattooed bald head and I remember the time when there was hair on his head and why it became bald. It was my fault really but we blame Neka, one of the other night bloods. It was four years ago, it was a few months after I was taken from my family to come train at Polis the capital city. Neka was angry at Titus because he had taken away something very valuable to her, something that belonged to her mother and I was angry for being taken from my parent. I told her that we could play a prank on him, so with Luna's help we bought in as many candles that we could find and we placed them in his room and lit them all. Like fools we left the sticks we used to light the candles on the floor and when Titus walked in he tripped over them and landed on the floor where all the candles were, his hair lit on fire and it hasn't grown back. That's probably why I like candles so much. Titus knows it was one of us playing a prank on him, he thinks it was Neka because he took her necklace. Days after the accident, the commander ordered him to give it back to her and he did.

"Well Titus, you said that if we ever flee then we will be executed when we are found. I think that you shouldn't worry" Luna says with a sarcastic smile. I smirk and Titus turns on his heal and walks off. 

"So what's on your mind?" Luna asks. I turn to her and then look back at Titus who is walking away. I keep my voice down.

"A large metal object fell to the ground last night about three hours walk from here" I explain. Luna leans forward with a look of curiosity and excitement on her face and suddenly it changes to fear but it's not fear for herself.

"Does anyone know about this and how do you know about this?" Luna asks with concern lacing her voice. When I don't say anything she says "Leksa osir na bilaik in danger (Lexa we could be in danger)"

"I snuck out last night like I usually do and I went for a walk, that's how I know about it and the guards might not have seen it" I explain. 

"What do you mean? If a large metal object fell from the sky then I think they would have seen it Lexa... someone would have seen it, I mean you did!"

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