Chapter Nineteen

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Lexa's POV-
Because it is the only fight for the day, we have a few hours to prepare but I don't. I get stopped by Costia while I'm on my way to see Clarke. "Ste klark the won? (Is Clarke the one?)" she asks me. The problem with Costia is that she only cares who I am with, she is always jealous and I think that's why I never moved forward with her. Clarke cares about me.

"Ai like klark, em cares gon me (I like Clarke, she cares for me)" I say, I avoid her question because it is quite ridiculous to answer that at my age.

"Ai care gon yu (I care for you)" she says. She grabs my hand and looks into my eyes. "Ai don get always been hir, klark has nou (I have always been here, Clarke has not)" I take my hand away from hers.

"Selfish" I mutter. She looks at me confused because she doesn't know English. I walk away from her. It's about her all the time, she doesn't know how I feel about Clarke, she hasn't asked and I don't think she cares. All she cares about is whether I want her or not. Clarke and I run into each other in the hall shortly after.

"I saw you talking to Costia so I walked away, I didn't want to disturb you two"

"You wouldn't have been disturbing anything Clarke, Costia is selfish" I say. I take her hand in mine. "She only cares about being with me, she doesn't care how I am or the fact that I have risked my life these past two days"

"I'm sorry to hear that" Clarke says. She looks in my eyes when she does. "I haven't met her, you said that you two are friends?"

"Yes, it was a bit more than that" I reply. "I liked Costia and we have kissed a few times. I told her that I wasn't ready for a relationship" I say as I stare at our hands.

"Yes, I remember you telling me something like that. It was the day you challenged Willa"

"Sha, (yes) well I thought you forgot"

"No way, that was the day you kissed me. I'm not going to forget that day" Clarke says with a smile. I nod. We begin to walk down the hall hand in hand. "Are you okay with fighting Neka? She's your friend"

"I don't have a choice Clarke. It doesn't matter that Neka is my friend. I must do it" I reply. Clarke nods understandably. We walk into my room and sit on the couch. "I am worried about the fight"

"Why? You are the strongest and most skilled nightblood"

"But Neka has hidden skills. She has more potential than what she shows" I explain. "That's what makes me nervous, when I fought her a week ago she made me think it was easy, I beat her too fast"

"You think that she did that deliberately. You said she always steps forward?" Clarke asks.

"Yes but I feel like she knows that I see it as a weakness. She will use that against me"

"Then look for another weakness" Clarke suggests.

"I don't think it will be that easy, I'm afraid"

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