Chapter Twenty-Two

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Lexa's POV-
One week later

"Commander..." a guard says. I wave my hand at him effortlessly from my bed. Clarke left a while ago.

"I am not yet Commander, Yaxley" I say as I sit up in my bed.

"Well we are going to need a Commander, the Skaikru has seen one of us. They have captured Anya" Yaxley says urgently. I move to get up, I feel a lot better but I still feel the pain in my stomach. When I stand up I hold onto the bed post to keep me up.

"We must go reason with them" I say. Yaxley frowns at me.

"Com... I mean Lexa, taking Anya is basically a declaration of war"

"I DONT CARE" I snarl. "They are confused and that's why I need to become Commander right away"

Clarke's POV-
"Clarke.." I head Octavia's voice say from her bed. I turn my head towards her and she gives me a small smile.
"I don't want to go back to the arc, I know you say Lexa will let us go back but I don't want that" Octavia explains.

"Why not?"

"I don't belong there, I never have" Octavia says as she sits up in her bed. The leader of the tree people, Indra, she has helped train us. You might not know that because you haven't trained with us but she has made me her second and I can't leave"

"Wow, Octavia that's a huge honour. You're eleven though"

"I know but age doesn't matter with the tree people" Octavia explains. I nod. She's right, Lexa has been training since she was a young girl and now she is Commander or will be Commander. At that moment Lexa stumbles into the room holding her stomach. She doesn't show any sign on her face that she is in pain but I know she is by the way she walked in. I stand up immediately and the other girls eye her.

"Lexa what are you doing here?" I ask. Lexa gives me a soft smile and then turns her head to the others.

"I am Commander now, I and some guards will escort you back to the sky people. That is if you wish to come." Lexa says. Lexa looks at me when she says the last part, I look away from her because I already know what my decision is. Octavia lays back onto the bed and the others continue to stare at Lexa. "I apologise for Commander Willa's actions, I as a trainee tried to convince her otherwise" Lexa says professionally and it makes me admire her more. "Tomorrow at sunrise we will leave" when Lexa is finished she asks me to follow her.

"Why are you coming with us?" I ask straight away.

"Skaikru took Anya and I am wanting to speak to the leader and bring you back"

"You are in no shape to go anywhere Lexa" I say. She looks me in the eyes and gives me a small smile.

"Don't worry about me Clarke, I will be fine" she says. She takes my hands. "I'm going to ask you if you will stay"


"And I know that your answer will be no but I still want you to stay" she says looking me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry" I say softly. Sadness fills Lexa's eyes. She lets go of one of my hands and walks me to her room, not the commanders room but the room they had met in a few times over the month Clarke had been here. She lets go of my hand once she is there. She goes to her safe and takes out my notebook and hands it to me.

"I promised you" she said. I take her hand and pull her close and kiss her quickly. She smiles at me.

"I don't want to leave" I whisper.

"I know" Lexa says. "But you don't want to stay either, you want to see your family"

"Maybe if all goes well we will be able to see each other still"

"And if not?" Lexa asks.

"I don't know"

"It may be war, I must do anything for my people to survive" Lexa says. She turns away from me.

"Maybe life is about more than just surviving" I mutter. Lexa turns back towards me with admiration in her eyes.

"Maybe, but that will never be good enough for my people" Lexa says. She turns back around and takes something else out of the safe. I expect it to be her parents necklace but it's not, it's a bracelet that was made with leather that had been knotted into a cool looking bracelet. "This bracelet was given to me when I first started training, it was to tell everyone that I was a night blood. I want you to have it"

"Why?" I ask looking at it, I notice a small piece of metal on it with Lexa's name carved into it. 'Leksa Kom Trikru'

"Because If tomorrow doesn't go as plan I want you to always remember me" Lexa says. I smile and put the bracelet on.

"You don't have a last name?"

"No, well maybe. I just don't know what it is" Lexa explains.

"How don't you know?" I ask curiously.

"I just have never been told, I haven't seen my parents since I was very young and my sister didn't know either"

I nod and look down at the bracelet again. "Thank you, I wish I had something to give you" I say. I look down at my notebook. "Or I do" I say, I tare out the page that I drew when the ark first landed. I always thought that my first view from the ark window was beautiful. I tell Lexa this as she stares down at the drawing.

"This is beautiful Clarke"


The next day I walk out with the other children. Octavia is the only one to stay behind, Raven and I had become good friends with her. Bellamy was upset but no matter how hard her tried to convince her she didn't leave her bed. Lexa came out on a horse. She reaches her arm down to grip onto my arm. "Are you okay to travel?" I ask her. She gives me a smile and nods.

"It's not too far, only a three hour walk" Lexa says. "We are going to have you and your friends walk in front so they won't open fire straight away"

"What makes you think they are going to do that?" I ask her even though I know she is probably right.

"We have to plan for everything Clarke" Lexa says before riding to the back on we horse. I look at Raven who is smiling at me.

"I'm surprised you decided to leave" Raven says. I shake my head.

"If today goes well, I will see her again"

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