Chapter Eight

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Lexa's POV-
One day Clarke turned up to one of our training sessions. She sat on a rock nearby and watched as we trained. I chose this time to pretend that I twisted my ankle and Titus pointed me towards Clarke. I fake limped over to her. "So you have become the night bloods healer?" I ask her. Clarke nods, is sit down beside her. "Can you please pretend to look at my leg?" I ask her.

"Yes, okay" she mutters. I lift my leg up onto the rock that I am sitting on. "Was it the ankle?" She asks. I nod, she pulls my pant leg up and then looks up at me. "What's so important?"

"I heard that you spoke with the Commander" I say. Neka had told me that and I wasn't sure I believed her. "Is it true?"

"Yes, that is why I'm here. I also called her a bitch" she said with a smile. "I hope that doesn't get me killed"

"Wow, I'm surprised that she didn't cut off your head then and there" I joke, but I laugh because I know that's what she wants. She smiles and puts my leg down onto the ground. "Is it good?" I ask her.

"No, I think you need the day off" Clarke says with a laugh. She smiles with her eyes and her mouth. I then wonder to myself if she is worried for her family. I know that the Commander is planning to attack soon. I laugh.

"I think I'll have to have two broken legs for them to let me off" I say as I get up. "What about you come to my room tonight? It's probably not a good idea to go to yours because I know you are sharing with the other sky people."

"Yeah, okay" Clarke agrees. "Be careful with that not so injured leg of yours" she says with a wink. I laugh and walk back to the group.

"What was that about?" Luna asks me.

"I was injured" I said before picking up a wooden stick. "This time don't hit me in the head"

"I told you, I was twirling the stick and then it flung out of my hands and hit you in the head" Luna explains. "Common mistake" she mutters, I shake my head and laugh. I get ready to fight her because I know that Titus will not let me fight anyone else. I look over at Clarke who is watching curiously. I then turn to Luna again. "And Lexa dedicates this fight to the sky girl she is obsessed with" Luna says quietly to me. I glare her and i make the first move. I swing the stick across and she blocks it. She is smiling. I lift the stick away quickly and strike again, she begins striking back when she realised that she won't win easily. I swing the stick at her head and she ducks just as I thought she would, she then trips me onto my back with her leg and goes to jab me with the stick but I roll over and trip her to the ground. I get up while she is falling and jab her in the shoulder where her armour is. Luna looks worried because I haven't beat her in a long time and I finally have once again. I help her up. "Good job" she mutters. I look over at Clarke who is smiling at me and clapping. All the nightbloods are clapping too but all I notice is her.

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