Chapter Five

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Clarke's POV-
I keep my notebook clenched in my hand, I don't want it taken from me. I have drawings of both my mother and my father in them and that's all I got. Lexa is walking at the rear of the group I say bye to Raven and I fall I begin to deliberately fall behind, next to Lexa. "Hello Clarke" she says in her deep feminine voice , which is quite surprising considering her age.

"I have a question" I state, I don't say hello back or show that acknowledged her hello. She raises and eyebrow and nods for me to continue. "Will they take my notebook when we get there?" I ask, my time turns into sadness. Lexa looks at me with genuine concern.

"Yes I think they will" she says honestly.

"Will you please do something for me?" I ask her. She looks at me with confusion, her pretty face turns to the side.

"Just because I saved you from the annoyance of the night bloods and watching the guards die, that doesn't mean we are friends" she says coldly. Her expression changes completely from her confusion.

"I know, but we could be Lexa. You were kind to me." I say, Lexa's expression softens slightly. "I drew my parents in this book, see" I say flipping to a page with my dad's face, he is laughing. I drew this when I was eating lunch with Wells, my father was laughing at something his engineer friends were saying.

"I had to leave my parents behind too, Clarke" she says, she looks away from the notebook. I see tears slowly forming in her eyes. "That's one of the bad things about being a night blood, I might not ever see my family again"

"And neither will I" I admit to both her and myself. She looks at me, there is no emotion on her face but only sadness in her eyes. "That's why I need you to look after my notebook and when you become commander you can give it to me"

"What if I don't become commander?"

"Is there any other night bloods that can be trusted?" I ask.

"There is one, her name is Luna" she says. I nod. "I will take your book Clarke and I will try my best to become Commander so that you will be free of any torture Commander Willa brings to you or your friends"

"Torture?" I ask. Lexa lets out a sigh.

"I don't know what she has planned, Titus, the commanders adviser has told us that she wishes to train you. She wishes for you to grow up to be apart of her people"


Lexa's POV-
I hid Clarke's book in a place I know that no one will find it. Costia comes in shortly after. "Costia" I say with a smile. She runs up and hugs me.

"Yo did nou say leidon (you did not say goodbye)" she says sadly. I give her a soft smile.

"Ai laik sorry. Osir left as soon as osir Sen (I am sorry. We left as soon as we heard)" I reply. Costia is my best friend and she worries to much about me. She can't really speak english but I have been teaching her.

"Heda souda vout in em ste urgent (the Commander must think it is urgent)" Costia says. Costia respects the Commander whereas I don't. The Commander sees a lot of potential in me though so I try to show her that I am completely loyal to her.

"Sha (yes)" I say. At that moment Titus walks in. He ignores Costia and looks straight at me.

"The commander wishes to see you Lexa"

I make my way to the throne room, Willa is sitting in her throne made of bending wood. She has one leg crossed over the other. "Heya Leksa, ai souda talk krom yo (hello Lexa, I must talk with you)". I give her a nod.

"What do you wish to talk about Heda?" I ask. I don't see why she would need to talk to me. She's not dying is she, oh how I hope that she is dying.

"Titus has told me that you have questioned my decisions, do you not agree with my necessary attacks against the sky people?" She asks. My jaw clenches when she says this and I swallow back what I wish to say.

"I do agree with you and Commander, I just do not believe we need to use force unless they use force against us. Only when Jus drein jus daun (blood must have blood). That is was I have learnt" I say as politely as I can possible get out. The Commander sits back in her chair, she has a thoughtful look on her face.

"Yes, that is what I learnt and the Commander before me learnt but I believe we should terminate them before they become a problem"

"You are going to start a war" my voice is slowly rising. The Commander has a look on her face as if she was expecting me to speak up.

"Then war is what we will have"

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