Chapter Twenty

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Clarke POV-
I worry for Lexa when she steps into the middle of the arena. For the final round they have let Lexa use two swords. Neka chooses to use one but the one has a thin blade. I see this as a bad choice of weapon. Neka also has a knife on her belt. Lexa seems to notice it a well but doesn't make it look obvious. Lexa swings the two swords forward to warm up. Neka rolls her eyes and prepares herself to fight. Neka makes the first move towards Lexa. Lexa looks at Neka's leg step forward. Instead of jabbing her leg, she doges out of the way. Neka has an annoyed look on her face and she turns around to swing at Lexa. Lexa blocks with both her swords and pushes Neka back. Neka steps forward and takes a swing at Lexa's arm but gets blocked again. I begin to wonder why Lexa is only defending and that's when I realise that she is thinking. She knows Neka will get annoyed with her only defending and if that happens Neka will think less and do stupid things. I don't even know Neka and I can tell that's the type of person she is. She begins to get angry and the pressure of her hits become harder for Lexa but Lexa is strong and handles it well. When Lexa is satisfied she begins fighting back. She disarms Neka and she falls to the floor. Lexa drives both of her swords down towards Neka's chest but Neka rolls away and picks up her sword. Lexa's swords are stuck in the dirt.

Lexa's POV-
Why did I do it so hard? I pull hard and only manage to get one sword out. When I turn around I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. I look down and see Neka's sword stabbing me. I gasp and fall to the ground once she pulls the sword out of me. I keep my sword in hand. Just as I'm about to give up I hear Clarke's scream above the noise of the audience.This isn't over yet. I'm not going down without a fight. I get up with the pain in my lower stomach. There is no way I'm letting Neka become Commander. I'd rather there be no commander. Yes she was my friend but she is just as bad as Willa. The audience gasps.

Clarke's POV-
When I saw her fall I screamed she must have noticed because something clicked in her and she got up. She must be running on adrenaline if she just got stabbed and is now standing. "THIS ISN'T OVER!" Lexa yells. Neka smirks.

"I out did you Lexa, you thought you were better than me but you're not" Neka says. "Keep your enemies closer is what they use to say" Neka says as she swings her sword around. Neka swings her sword towards Lexa and Lexa swings her sword towards it. Neka's sword breaks in two.

"Keep your enemies closer" Lexa says before stabbing Neka in the heart. They both fall the the ground. The only difference is that Neka is dead and Lexa is dying.

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