Chapter Three

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Lexa's POV-
"Naitblida's, (nightbloods) the heda (Commander) has given the order that you all will be the ones to capture the children from the sky" Titus says in an emotionless voice. I stop what I am doing and look up at him in shock. Although I shouldn't be shocked, I knew the commander would do something about the sky people sooner or later. 

"We are capturing children?" I ask confused. "Why children?"

"You, yourselves are children and the commander wishes to have these children grow up away from the sky people, she is taking them away so that they won't see the others die" Titus explains. I step forward out of the group, I stand up straight with anger boiling my blood. 

"They have showed no threat towards us" I say sternly. Titus lets out a chuckle as if I am a joke. His face then turns more serious as if he is about to put me in my place. 

"Well Lexa, if you do become commander and another group of sky people fall to the ground then you can choose to keep them alive but seeing as it isn't your choice you will go along with the order or die trying to go against the commander" Titus says slowly but sternly. I step back and nod my head. I'm not strong enough to go against Luna let alone the Commander at the moment. Luna puts her hand on my shoulder as if to comfort me. 

"At least you are not afraid to speak up, You will make a great commander" she whispers to me. I nod and take out my sword. A thought comes to my head as I examine the sharpness of my sword.

"How are we going to catch these children?" I ask Titus.

"They are scheduled to go on a walk with a few guards this afternoon" Titus says with a smug look on his face. "we have guards hidden in the trees that heard some of their men talking about it" He explains. I stop examining my sword and stab it into the ground in front of him. He jumps back frightened. I laugh and so does a few others. Titus snarls at me.

"So when do we leave?" I ask. Titus stands up straight again to try and hide his embarrassment but snickers are still heard within the crowd night bloods. His hands fall to his sides and he looks down at me.

"You leave now, you have a three hour walk ahead of you" Titus says. He smirks at me because when I was younger I hated walking a far distance but little did he know that I have been going on three hour walks every night. It was six hours the night I went to see the sky people's landing site. I then feel a nervous feeling in my stomach. These people don't deserve to die because the Commander believes they are a threat. They haven't done anything for her to think that.

 The Commanders name is Willa and her name doesn't fit her. She defeated ten kids in her class to get to where she is and when I say defeated I mean she killed them. That's what I'll have to do one day and I don't know if I could kill Luna. She is my best friend, other than Costia of course. Costia lives in Polis, her family was outcastes so she came to live in Polis where people go to belong. Anyway, the Commander is cruel. She executes people for the wrong and right reasons, she likes to find an excuse to start a war and apparently she kidnaps children now.
We make our way through the Forrest, Titus tells us that sticking to the roads is too dangerous. He sent Gustus to help us, he is a new warrior. He is about twenty five, his father is a black smith but gustus wanted more, he wanted to be a warrior.

"Heda ste branwada, skaikru ste no threat (the Commander is foolish, the sky people are no threat)" Luna whispers to me as we walk. "Emo ste nou hir krom frag op us (they are not here to kill us)" Luna continues, in our language.

"sha, gon nau. Heda na have hod op (yes, for now. The Commander could have waited)" I reply. Gustus looks at us.

"I wish for you not to question the commanders decisions" Gustus mutters. I can tell he agrees with us because he looks away quickly after saying that and he begins to look at the ground.

It's hours before we hear the sound of chattering children. One of them, a blonde. She has a notebook in one hand, she brings it up to open it. "Look, I've never seen a bird like this before Raven" she says to the girl next to her. Raven looks down at the notebook. I'm still looking at the blonde girl with curiosity.

"You drew this?" She asks the blonde girl. The blonde nods. "That's amazing, you should show Octavia Blake. She was the girl that lived in the ground of the arc, she hasn't seen a lot of things" The blonde looks around to find this Octavia and I notice that she's pretty. She has blood eyes that are full of curiosity, she stands as if she is the one making all the decisions. She clearly isn't because she looks to be my age. I don't know if I can do this. Gustus turns to the group of us.

"I'll take out the guards, you take make sure none of the children get away" Gustus says. I take this time to leave the group. The blonde girl moves closer to the tree line and I am really happy about this, I run along and pull her into the trees before the others can get to her. I didn't realise how much looking at her made me want to protect her. I don't even know her. She looks at me shocked. She is even more pretty up close, even with the shocked look she is giving me.

"Shh. I'm trying to help you." I say quietly. She nods and doesn't say anything. "We have to take you to the Commander" I say softly. She looks at me confused.

"But I have to go back to the arc"

"I'm sorry, I can't let you go back. The Commander will kill me"

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