Chapter 4

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Ugh... why is everything hurting... Why can't I remember what just happened?

I groaned as I opened my eyes. I was surprised that I was blinded by a bright light. "Oh gods, where am I...?" I asked myself, shutting my eyes again. Soon, I opened my eyes slowly, seeing that my eyes were able to adjust fairly quickly. As soon as I was able to see, I gasped, seeing the grotesque scene in front of me.

There was entrails everywhere. I looked down, relieved to see that everything was still clean. It was bloody and messy wherever we are. On the wall across from me, I saw writing in a messy handwriting. To my left as I saw a pile of bodies. It was obvious that they were killed not too long ago by the potent smell of blood. The thought of being added to that pile flashed through my mind and made me visibly cringe. No. I will not be added to this madness.

To my left I saw a lone body, chained to the wall. I narrowed my eyes and moved away from the wall, only to be pulled back by shackled. I hissed in pain as they dug into my wrist. I moved as far as I could with these shackles, trying to identify the body. My eyes widened as I saw that it was Nico. The worst case scenario ran through my mind for a moment before I saw him move in his spot. Oh thank gods.

He opened his eyes and arched his back, hissing in pain. I could see blood pooling on the floor behind him. His eyes closed again, but I could tell he was still in a lot of pain. My eyes widened even more as I saw that and I struggled against the shackled, desperate to go to him.

Suddenly, I heard a soft, quiet meow. It echoed, making it louder than it may have been. I look around for the source of the sound, trying to make sure i'm not insane. I heard it again and this time I just had to look down.

There I saw Gattino. My mouth opening in awe and surprise. "G-Gattino..." I whispered, reaching over to stroke its head. It made an odd purring noise and I smile, happy and content. I felt... peaceful. I was happy.

Gattino then trotted off to Nico and nudged his hand, urging him to wake up. I looked in awe. No matter how odd it looked, seeing a skeleton of a kitty nudge a human awake. I was surprised that the sight didn't revolt me. I suppose that it's not the weirdest thing I have seen thus far.

Its funny how it's only been about a week and I have been thrown into this quest. No time to adjust. No time for anything really. Just got pushed into this messed up life of a demigod. What if I don't make it? What if I fail? I shook my head, not wanting to get discouraged.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see the bane of my existence. "... Oh lovely, the brats are awake. Oh Ken~ be useful for once and bring me my spear," she spoke with a calm tone. I struggling in my chains.

While Ken went to fetch her spear, she started a long speech.

"You see, you're going to be my little bloodhound. That object you seek? It's the Gem of Janus. A couple months back, I have been having these... these premonitions. An odd being was speaking to me, telling me of his plans to take over the world. I believed that it was a joke, but I still brought it to the attention of the gods. They, of course, laughed at me. After a while... things seemed to go wrong down on Earth... Different phenomenons were occurring to mortals. See, I wouldn't have known what was happening had I not IMed the Olympians during their meetings... I learned of the truth.

"It seemed that there was an omnipotent force working on eradicating Primordial Chaos. I was scared. What would happen to me? What would happen of my home? I started to take... precautionary measures. I kept listening in on to those meetings. I learned of where to find the Gem of Janus... I learned who was Chaos's counterpart. Erebus, the god of the darkness of Tartarus, was blessed by Janus. He could now drain the life out of any and every god and goddess by just becoming their counterpart.

"I planned. I schemed. And I have figured it out. Once Primordial Chaos is destroyed, Erebus will be in charge most likely. If I can offer the gem to Erebus, then I will be saved. Its funny how it always is the same. The father is powerful... and yet, the child is greedy, and kills the father.

Erebus... is my half-brother? And my half-brother is trying to kill my dad?

"I don't quite understand what Janus gets from this... agreement. But that's beside the point. See, Dodona is where the gem is hidden. Once I locate it, I can give it to Erebus as an offering through a body. You see, if Chaos is killed, that would mean, I have aided in the death of a god such as him. I have strengthened Tartarus. Tartarus will be indebted to me...

It struck me that these powerful beings such as Gaea, Nyx, Erebus, Tartarus, etc... they are my half siblings... That'd be one heck of a family reunion.

"Once I have both brothers by my side.... I can remain safe and so will my little humble island... I will not face the wrath of Erebus." she finished.

I stared at her in horror. She was turning family against family... My family against one another...

I struggled in my chains as Ken came back with her spear. My struggle must of woken up Nico, as he sat up straight, looking around this terrible, wretched place in panic and confusion. I looked between the three people in front me. Finally, Nico's eyes land on Ken. "You! You betraying little piece of crap!" Nico shouted as he fought against the shackles that held him back.

Ken's expression was much different from when we last... spoke. Suddenly, his eyes looked more sunken in and his face was more gaunt. He didn't have his boyish charms. His blond hair was dirty and was definitely not washed. That made me question myself for how long we have been out cold for. His hazel green eyes no longer held that bright light of excitement and kindness. Now it only held sadness and regret. He looked at me with pleading eyes. But why would he be pleading to me?

My Mistake (Sequel to My Life) #WATTYS2019Where stories live. Discover now