Chapter 22

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Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Kwanzaa. :)

*warning: there is some language used*


The silence was slightly less painful than the realization that some of our companions had just died. Damion was expressionless, staring ahead into nothingness. Devon, on the other hand, was silently sobbing, his body shaking. Charlie was quietly praying, an odd image to see.

This quest brought out qualities within them that they themselves didn't know. They were tearfully saying goodbye to people that they've known for so long. They've given up, hopelessly waiting for Calypso to painfully kill them.

And it's all my fault. I couldn't save them, I couldn't help them. It's all my fault.

Suddenly, I was broken away from my thoughts. There was a dull, throbbing pain in my head. I wince and shut my eyes tightly, bringing my hands to my head. It was getting worse, and I yelped in pain. Nico looked at me with concern, before looking up. "You," he said, malice lacing his voice. Despite the pain, I looked up and I gasped softly.

Calypso was walking closer and closer to me, holding something in her hand. The gem. How did she get it? I cried out once she stopped in front of me, swinging the gem in front of me. The gem was out of its casing, allowing its power to affect me.

"I had this beauty from the moment I... brought you here. Did you really think that I wouldn't search your bodies for this?" Calypso had a smug look on her face, her smile growing wider as I whimpered.

"You stupid demigods really underestimate us immortals. At least, you underestimate me. Unlike other gods, I don't mind getting my hands a little dirty for the sake of my grand plan.

I looked at the gem, which was glowing brighter. "How.... How'd you get it out of... of...of it's casing?" I panted, trying to not let my voice quiver. She scoffed. "It was childsplay as soon as I understood what you did. I must say... I'm quite impressed by its difficulty."

The twins stared at her, blank looks covering their faces. That was until Damion spit in her face. "You fucking bitch! You psychotic, sadistic bitch! We're innocent! We were willing to let you go if you just worked with us! You're killing us senselessly!"

Calypso, who had been fuming, starting giggling. "Oh, the deaths are not senseless whatsoever, darling. Erebus needs to feed on some souls. Since my island has been blocked, no one can come in nor get out. These souls will stay here until Erebus comes along.

She looks at the twins. "Hm... Speaking of that... I need one more soul to satiate Erebus' ravenous appetite." Then she picked up Damion, grinning. "And you, livestock, are the perfect pest to complete the collection.

Damion growled and spat in her face again. "Do your worst. I'm willing to be a sacrifice," he said, his lips set in a thin line. My eyes widened though. Did they all see themselves as a sacrifice? Did they all expect to die?

I was ripped away from my thoughts once again as I heard Damion start to scream. The sound of his agonized breathing was filling the room, making everyone cringe. Devon tried to grab at his brother, but Calypso dragged him away. Devon started shaking and shouting incoherently.

Damion turned to Damion and whispered something. I don't know how Devon managed to understand him, but it instantly calmed him down.

Suddenly, there was a boom, and it deafened us all. I heard ringing, and I winced. It was almost as bad as the throbbing that the gem was creating in my head. I looked over and noticed that Damion was gone. I saw that Devon was still calm, almost eerily so. I was looking around, the ringing slowly stop.

I noticed that Nico was looking up and that he looked disgusted, scared even. I was about to question it until I looked up. But the words were caught in my throat. Damion's body was mutilated, his insides nearly spilling out. I gagged; the image was gruesome and upsetting.

Devon didn't even look up. "He's gone..." he said quietly, his eyes trained on the floor in front of him. I couldn't even speak. Charlie just looked at him and then to him. I knew he felt as helpless as I do. The pain in his eyes was even worse.

I hear soft footsteps and turn towards it. Calypso walked through, making me sneer. "You're going to regret all this!" I said, struggling to contain my anger. She just smirked.

"The way that I see it, you've lost so many people on your team, and I'm just making mine stronger. If anything, I'm enjoying all this!" she laughed and snapped her fingers, making the world go dark immediately.

My Mistake (Sequel to My Life) #WATTYS2019Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt