Chapter 8

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I got the wax and stuffed it into my ears, desperate to stop the terrible screeching noise. Next is to find Nico.

I heard nothing, but I looked up and saw a sea of birds in the sky. They were frightened away. Well, that's a place to start. I started to run with adrenaline coursing through my veins, making my weak legs and arms have a surge of strength that I never knew was there.

Soon, I made it, but my hope was slowly diminishing. I see Nico bleeding out on the ground his own sword next to him with a a crimson color coating his sword. Anger immediately fueled me.

He's still alive- I can tell that much. I don't know if its because of my dad nor because I was able to see him breathing through the foggy red that clouded my eyes. All I know is that I'm out for blood. I don't care if this banshee can't be killed with my daggers- I will strangle her if it comes to that point.

I rush to Nico and stuff the wax in his ears, propping him up against a nearby tree for safety. He made soft noises of protest, but I shook my head. "Calypso sent it to make us work faster... But now you're hurt. I've had enough of her games," I murmured, angry, but my voice still soft.

The banshee looked like a young girl. It looked pale and frail, almost as if it were to fall apart if it breathed. But looks can be deceiving. What got to me though was the sad look in its eyes. If I didn't know any better I'd think that this creature was a 7 or 8 year old girl who got stranded somehow.

I had let my guard down just for a moment and in those few seconds, she took a deep breath and let out a loud screech. Not that I could hear it though. I smirked and ran forward, propelling myself so that I could dig my daggers into where her heart should be.

"Wait!" a soft, feminine voice called out in my head. It's not like the other voices- meaning it's definitely not my dad. "Who is this?!" I asked out loud, a few feet away from the banshee. It didn't look terribly dangerous. But I still kept my defense up.

I didn't care anymore. I needed blood to be spilled or else I will be driven insane!

Whoa. Where did that come from?

Anyway, I launched myself forward, and slashed my right dagger at the creature. I used my anger, fear, sadness- all my bottled up emotions that need to be spilt once more into this attack. I didn't need the schist that Calypso was throwing at me now. She had put me through enough. Now I can't take it. I don't care how I do it, but i will destroy this banshee.

It kept floating back, drifting away from me quickly as I approached it, grunting and yelling out. I slashed at it with my daggers, making sure that they had no way to use its hands. I will not give it a chance to get what Calypso wants inevitably.

The banshee looked scared and I smirked before slamming my body into theirs. It made a noise that i couldn't hear and I pushed the dagger into its neck, threatening to cut. I was about to get my revenge! My much needed stress reliever. My curiosity and anger will be-

"It's me... the banshee in front of you... Please you need to take pity on me. M-My name is Aileen and I didn't want to be here."

My Mistake (Sequel to My Life) #WATTYS2019Where stories live. Discover now