Chapter 9

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Yeah, I might start updating again, but it'll be pretty slow. I'm going to be really busy for literally the rest of life, so sitting down and writing/typing out a story will be hard. 

And a reminder guys: idk much about Scottish lore, so please bear with me about Aileen. I did some light research, but I'll do more if it bothers you guys.


I held onto her- I have started to consider it as a she because of its voice- have neck, keeping her down. Her face terrified me, but the anger in my veins stopped me from cringing in fear. "What the hell do you mean? You're a monster. You have no emotions..." I said, bemused.

She stared up at me, her eyes seemingly sad and lost. "She took me from my mother... I want to go back home..." she said to me, her voice echoing in my mind. "Who? Calypso?" The banshee struggled, whimpering softly. She struggled, upset. This confirmed my thoughts- she was scared.

I sighed and got off of her, my adrenaline rush slowing down. I did a once over of the being in front of me. What was left of her dress was now even more torn, showing a translucent, pale white skin with seemingly black veins.

I got off of her and held my hand down to her, to help her up. I had my guard up- I mean, she could still decide to attack me at any given moment you know. "What were you supposed to do?" I asked, my tone indifferent to her. "I was meant to make you two move faster... She made me go mad temporarily, to make me scream like I did..." I narrowed my eyes and brought the daggers back to her neck. "Oh? And how do I know that you aren't under her cast now?" The banshee looked down. "I.... I know that I cannot prove myself innocent... But I promise you that I will not cause any harm anymore. I am not under her influence anymore and I can be useful, I promise!"

I took a good look at her. Though looks can be deceiving, I suppose her small frame and thin build can't overpower me or Nico. She looked young and innocent, like a child. I sighed and then got off of her. "... Fine... I believe you Aileen... But I swear to the gods, if you pull anything, I won't hesitate to hurt you.

She nodded before looking at Nico. "Y-Your friend... he's injured... I'm sorry. I still haven't learned how to control my screeches... I hope I didn't cause too much damage to him..." She looked genuinely guilty and sorry. I bit my lip and looked over at Nico. "... Nico is fine... He just needs a bit of ambrosia. I have some in my backpack."

I walked over to the injured boy and tsked. "Nico, you're losing your edge," I said, smirking as I brought out an ambrosia square. I heard soft rustling behind me, knowing that it was Aileen. She peered over my shoulder curiously, watching as I fed Nico the godly snack, and a gasp echoed in my head as she watched Nico's wounds slowly fade away.

"What is that? Is that some type of mortal healing medicine?" Aileen asked, her voice showing off how amazed she was. It had slipped my mind that she wasn't part of the Greek myths, but of Scottish instead.

"Nope... It's this godly food. Since we're demigods-" "Demi- what?" Aileen had a confused look adorning her face. "A demigod. We have a mortal parent and a godly parent. Nico is the son of the god Hades. I'm the daughter of-" I hesitated. This must be insane and confusing for her. But she nodded in understanding.

"I'm the daughter of Primordial Chaos," I said, sucking in a breath to hear what she has to say to me. "Interesting... So you have godly blood in you?" Aileen asked, tilting her head. She looked at me, believing it all. I almost snorted, realizing how she believes anything I told her. But I suppose that's something a child would be like.

"Aileen... how old are you?" I asked tentatively, not knowing if that's a sore subject or not. She grinned though. "I'm 547!" she said with a childish happiness in her voice. "Is that young?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Yeah, it is. And you guys talk so much," Nico said, chuckling a bit as I yelped and fell back. "Nico, I swear to the gods if you ever scare me like that ever again I'll-I'll-" I didn't finish that sentence, too tired to do so. All my actions have caught up to me, and now, I feel so fatigued. I stayed on the forest floor, my eyes fluttering shut.

"You should rest up Vanessa... Anyway, Aileen is actually pretty young. She's about 9 in human years." Damn Nico and his intelligence. Aileen's giggle resonated in my head and I smiled, feeling more comfortable. But a thought suddenly struck me.

"Nico... we have to hurry... My dad's fading. And quick..." I said, yawning. Nico smiled down at me. "You shouldn't worry about that right now. For now just rest up. Aileen would you like to join us?" he asked, making me sit right up again.

"What?! Shouldn't we talk about-" "Don't you remember? In the prophecy, we have to join forces with all those Calypso had kept here. Aileen is one of them. She can help us. Plus, Aileen isn't tied to Calypso in anyway. Don't you see? We have the upper hand with her around! We can help Aileen to control her screeches and we can use it to help us.

Aileen looked at me with hopeful eyes. "I just want to go back to mama," she said sadly. Nico looked at her with pitying and understanding eyes. "We all want to go home... Come on Vanessa," he asked, begging me. I sighed and laid back down, closing my eyes.

"Welcome to the team, Aileen."

My Mistake (Sequel to My Life) #WATTYS2019Where stories live. Discover now