Chapter 16

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Finally, we had the birds roasted. It tasted bland, but it was better than nothing. I was stressfully chewing on the meat, thinking about our next steps. Being a leader was harder than I thought. I didn't realize that I was staring at Charlie with an intense stare. Charlie sighed and stood up, walking up to me.

"What is on your mind?" he asked softly, wiping his mouth clean. I bit my lip. "I'm worried. I know I just met you guys, and you have no reason to trust me or think of me as a leader in anyway, but I don't want to have any of you guys die. I don't want to see more death and destruction in my-" But the boy stopped me from talking further.

"Listen, it is going to be harder than you think. Leading people isn't the easiest job, and it's not going to get any easier. But you need to lean on the people who you love and who love you. You really don't think that just because you're the girl in the prophecy, you'll be invincible right?" Charlie said. I bit my lip.

To be honest, I needed that rude yet firm talking to. He's right anyway. As a leader, I should take in the ideas of others and voice my concerns if I have any. I'm not their boss; they're my teammates.

"... Thanks Charlie. I needed that. But what about you? For a guy who preaches about talking to the others, you don't really talk much. This is probably the most you've spoken yet!" I said, chuckling. He smirked, but his cheeks became slightly red in embarrassment. "Because I don't need to worry about the stress of being a leader, so I have no reason to talk to the others unless it helps them."

I nodded. "Understood," I said, smiling at him. He gave me a gentle smile back, but our touching moment was ruined when I heard someone clear their throat. I look up and sigh. "Yes Nico?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. Nico stood above me, and looked between the two of us. "I need to talk to you," he said coldly. I rolled my eyes. "Alright, whatever. Sorry Charlie, we can continue this chat another time, okay?" I said, looking at him before standing up. Charlie chuckled and nodded, motioning for me to go.


Nico was talking in front of me, his body tense. "... Okay, what is our next move?" he asked, though I could tell that that isn't what he wanted to ask me. I roll my eyes. "Nico, if this is what you brought me all the out for, I'm leaving," I said assertively. Nico turned around. "Wait! Listen! I just... Ugh, I just wanted to tell you something, but you're making this so much more difficult than it needs to be!" he said, clearly frustrated.

Worriedly, I walked forward and gently laid my hand on his shoulder. "Nico, are you-" I started to speak, but he quickly cut me off.

"Listen... Just listen okay? I'm not amazing with words. Never was, never will be. But I just need you to know that I.... that... that I lo-like you. I really, really like you, and I like you more than just a friend," Nico confessed.

I looked at him with wide eyes. I wasn't able to process it, so I know I looked like a fish out of water. "Wh-What makes you- When did y-you-" I sputtered out.

Nico looked down, gently wiping down his sword. "... When Jack said that more people would die... It made me realize... if anything were to happen to you, I think I'd regret not telling you about my feelings. I'd regret it the most. You don't need to like me back, but just know... That day before the quest... I wasn't playing with your feelings. I panicked, and that's how I reacted..." he said softly.

"Nico, I-" I was, once again, rudely when I heard shouting. Nico and I looked at each other with a very exasperated glance and we headed back to the others. Once we made it back, we saw that everyone was yelling at one another, and the atmosphere was tense.

"No! We shouldn't just rely on her! Who knows she can be another illusion that Calypso sent to us. She's literally a child!" Kayla said, making exaggerated hand motions. It was obvious that she didn't see me.

Jack took a deep breath in. I looked at him and was surprised when I noticed how tired he looked. He looked like he has been aging faster and faster since we left the cave.

"Kayla, listen. It doesn't matter if she's a teenager or not. Victoria was prepared to lead this prophecy just like her. What makes Vanessa any different?" he asked, an eyebrow raised in annoyance.

"Listen, I don't care if she's 10 or if she's 100, if she can fulfill this prophecy the way it is supposed to be fulfilled, then I will gladly follow her," Charlie said, his stoic facing feigning annoyance. I smiled and decided that, on that note, I should interrupt this argument.

"If any of you have a problem with my leadership, please say it to my face," I said, smiling with fake sweetness towards Kayla. A look of shame passed over her face. "Anyway, if any of you have suggestions as to what we should do next, please speak now."

My Mistake (Sequel to My Life) #WATTYS2019Where stories live. Discover now