Chapter 5

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Nico's endeavor to escape his constraints failed. He slowly sat back, panting. He seemed to be concentrated on something, but then looked crestfallen. I cast him a confused look and he shook his head. I turned my head back to Calypso.

Calypso seemed to be cleaning her already shining spear head. Her maniac smile scared me even more. Her eyes flicked between Nico and me. "Who to kill... Who to kill..." she whispered under her breath taking a step back towards Ken as she contemplated who she wanted to kill.

Suddenly, her body turns to Ken, a wide smirk adorning her face. "You," she hissed out. "You thought that I wouldn't have found out? No no... I know. I knew that you tried to kill her. I know that you attacked her. I know. I know! I see everything and anything that is on my island. This sliver of power I have will come of use. And once I obtain that gem, I will obliterate everyone who gets in my way to escape this cursed island!

"You almost ruined those chances though, little lamb," she hissed out. Ken's dim eyes lit up with fear. "N-No, Lady Calypso, I-I swear, I didn't mean it like that. It was a sc-scare tactic. I needed them to feel inferior y-" Before he could finish though, a loud sound of cloth and flesh tearing echoes through through the room. My eyes widen and I look to find the source.

My eyes finally landed on Ken who seemed to be in a shocked state. I looked over his body and noticed that a spear had gone straight through his chest. He let out pained squeaked before shakily touching it, dropping to his knees. Calypso, on the other hand, looked pleased like the witch she is.

I don't know when I started to scream, but I screeched loudly, tears cascading like a miniature waterfall on my face. "Ken! No! NO KEN NO PLEASE DEAR GODS, PLEASE SOMEONE SAVE HIM!"

Ken fell forward, only making the spear go through him deeper. Calypso laughed, her true insanity shining bright at this moment. "See! I will not have ANYTHING in my way!" she shouted, giggling glee after wards.

My mind went blank for a moment, my own subconscious trying to stop me from doing anything to worsen this situation. I thought back to when Ken I first met. "If life were a story. I'd would always be a supporting character. People like Will, Percy, Annabeth, heck, even Nico! would be the stars."

No. He's not just a freaking side character! He's not a pawn! He's not an unwanted screw in this machine. He's Ken. He's my friend... He's a good person and an even better hero.

"V-Vanessa? Ple-Please let me apologize... I... I tried to k-kill you... granted, I wasn't in full control of my body... I still ho-hope that you will forgive me..." he rasped out, wheezing as he stared up. "... I knew I was never meant fo-for this hero life..." he whispered, letting out a weak, humorless chuckle. "You though... You'll s-save it all..." Ken said softly, sending me a soft smile.

Calypso smirked and pulled her spear out of his chest, giggling happily. "Aw... such a sad breakup... Oh well... this is your fate~" she said, laughing as blood splattered her hair and clothes. I stared in horrified despair. I got angry and tried to run to her, screaming cursed. I focused on getting out of the chains and I smiled grimly as I got out.

I rubbed my sore wrists and quickly got Nico out before grabbing the broken chain. It was long enough to use a whip. Even though I have no idea how to attack with this, I swung my arm towards her direction.

She didn't even get hit. It just landed on the ground with a loud thud. I panted and looked around wiping the blurry tears from my eyes. "Wh-Where did she go?" I asked, turning my head to Nico. Nico stared at Ken and I dropped the chain, my adrenaline rush stopping.

I ran to Ken and dropped to next to him. "Oh my gods Ken..." I whispered, seeing that the bleeding hadn't gotten any better. In fact, he seemed to be paling and I could see that by every second that passed by, his breathing slowed. He gave me a weak smiled and motioned me to come down to him.

I did so and felt my tears drop onto his cheeks. "Don't cry, friend..." he whispered, kissing my fingers as if brushed his face. That only made my cry harder though. He bit his lip and blood dribble down his chin. "I love you Vanessa... you were the be-best-st friend any... anyone could ask for. You're a true he-hero in this st-story. I'll be waiting for you in E-Elysium alright?" he whispered as he let out his final breath.



My Mistake (Sequel to My Life) #WATTYS2019Where stories live. Discover now