Chapter 2

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Nico's POV

After what feels like ages, I land on solid ground. Unfortunately for me, I passed out right as I let Vanessa down.

I wake up in Calypso's den. How in the name of Hades did I get here? I look around and see Vanessa is next to me. Everything's so blurry, but I can definitely tell that this is Vanessa. I let out a hiss of pain as I look down, seeing rusted, blurry chains on my wrists.

Suddenly, Calypso, Van and I are in front of this bright doorway. Like... a portal of some sorts. I see a glint in the corner of my eye and I see Calypso, her hair a crazy mess and her eyes a dull, but still insane. She had something in her hands, and it was flashing constantly in the dark corner that she stood in.

Vanessa was saying something, but I couldn't hear it. All I heard was my heartbeat and my own breathing. When I calmed down enough, all I heard was static. That annoying, soft static sound that was bound to drive me insane.

Glistening tears shined on her face as Calypso approaches her. Dear gods, she looks beautiful, even with all the bruises, cuts and tears that adorned her face. Calypso's lips move, and from what I can see, it's a language that's older than ancient Greece.

The doorway suddenly changed colors. Instead of a bright, white light, I see fire and dark masses. I see the ashes of newly killed monsters starting to reform. I see monsters that are being reborn. What I'm seeing is the horrors of Tartarus.

I tore my eyes away long enough to see Calypso pushed Vanessa closer to the entrance. She held a knife. A sharp, long knife that I didn't want to see used. She smirked, spoke a few more words in the new language and-

And she stabbed Vanessa.

I don't know when, but I started screaming. Screeching. I let out loud curses and wails, watching- feeling!- the life drain out of her. Vanessa looked at me and smiled, mouthing the words-

Everything went black after that. I just woke up with a start, and I knew that I had had a nightmare. A bad one at that...

"Oh! Nico, you woke up. I got the fire going so that we can get dinner cooking. I also have to ask you something." I heard her say through my erratic breathing. I looked at her and moved quickly to her and held her close. I most likely creeped her out, but I needed to feel her, to make sure she's actually here.

She looked at me with wide, questioning eyes. "Whoa there buddy.... What's wrong?" she asked making me chuckle with a bittersweet tone.

"Nothing... Hey, did you dream of anything... weird?" I asked, trying to calm myself down as I spoke. Her frown was replaced by a wide smile. "Nope! In fact, that's what I wanted to talk to you about! I had a dream of how to get to Calypso's hideout," she said with excitement. I smiled, but it faltered.

You see, demigod dreams are never just... dreams.

My Mistake (Sequel to My Life) #WATTYS2019Where stories live. Discover now