Chapter 17

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We were all throwing suggestions around in a circle, but we weren't getting anywhere.

"How about we all split up?"

"Are you stupid? And risk getting killed? No thanks."

"What about Vanessa tries to summon the gem, like the did with the Grove?"

"Done that, failed."

"I still think that Vanessa should be a better leader than this."

I rolled my eyes. Kayla was still questioning me. I sighed and stood up. "Okay listen, we are all tired. We should rest up. But we need to have a watchman. I'll take the first shift." I then turned to Nico. "You're after me," I said before scanning the rest of the group. "Alright, get some sleep!"


It seemed like everyone was asleep and it gave me some time to think about what Nico said earlier. "He... likes me?" I smiled but then it fell. "... But... the prophecy," I mumble under my breath. I chewed my lip, looking over at Nico. He was sleeping peacefully, a look of neutrality. The others reflected what they're like awake- but they all were tense. I guess that's what years of sleeping in a cave does to you.

I looked up at the sky. It was bright with stars. There were so many more stars visible tonight... I smiled softly. "I'll save you, Dad. Only because I don't want to die."


I don't know when I fell asleep, but I woke up to the sound of Nico shuffling around in his spot. He was sitting where I was sitting earlier. I sat up and looked down. It seemed like he moved me to his spot and he took over as the watchman. I smiled and stretched.

"Good morning," he said without looking up from what he was doing. He was polishing his sword, something he picked up recently. I could tell he did it when he was nervous. It was dawning on me that if Nico di Angelo is nervous, then I should be nervous too.

"Good morning to you too," I said softly, trying not to wake up the others. I didn't want to disturb them, seeing as this is the first time in a long time they were able to sleep semi-comfortably.

Nico smiled and yawned. "Um... Think we can get a fire started? It's been freezing all night," he said, not quite making eye contact with me. "Nico, are you okay... You really haven't looked me in the eyes since-" I stopped, realizing why he didn't want to make eye contact. "O-Oh," I said softly, biting my lip.

"Listen, I really hope that things between us won't be awkward after my confession. If you don't like me back, we can always be friends," he said softly, smiling a little to me. But there was a hidden pain in it. I walked up to him quietly and silently took his hands. "Come on... I need to talk to you."


I led him to the outskirts of the area we were in. It was beautiful and calm, unlike most of this island. "Uh... why'd you bring me all the way out here?" he asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion. I sighed.

"... I brought you here to confess," I said softly, biting my lip nervously. "Oh... um..." he looked around awkwardly. "I... I like you too. Like a lot. I really wish that I was able to tell you earlier..." I said softly, my cheeks red.

Nico's eyes widened in surprise, and he took a step forward. He finally made eye contact as he said, "Really? You're not telling me in the heat of the moment?" I smiled. "No... I've liked you for a really long time now... I just...."

It went quiet, only the sounds of crickets surrounding us. "... I know... you can't focus on feelings right now, considering that we all could die any moment... But..." he bit his lip, his eyes flickering to my own before glancing at my lips. I giggled softly and gently pressed my lips to his. It was filled with joy and sadness- everything I felt was poured into this kiss.

Despite feeling like it was an eternity, the kiss lasted for only a couple seconds. I was dazed, the kiss made me feel ecstatic.

"Wh-Whoa..." Nico said softly, his once pale cheeks now a bright red. I grinned and kissed his cheek, looking into his eyes.

"Hey, if we survive this, promise me our first date will be in a nice restaurant. A classy one. And I'll show you around my town," I murmured softly, playing with his hand. Nico smiled and nodded, pulling me into a hug. "... Of course. Just don't be stupid and die on me, got it?" I giggled and blushed, nodding.

"I promise you with my life."


By the time we were back, everyone else was awake. "Hey, where'd you two go off to? Weren't you guys supposed to be our guards or something?" Kayla asked rudely. Okay, this girl is really getting onto my nerves.

"You guys are still alive, right?" Nico asked, an annoyed look on his face. Kayla scoffed, but Victoria gently nudged her. "Alright, so what's our plan?" she asked, looking at me curiously. I liked Victoria. She's more reasonable. Kayla rolled her eyes, crossing her arms.

One of the twins then spoke up. "Uh... So... I had this dream... Apparently, the gem is right below us."

My Mistake (Sequel to My Life) #WATTYS2019Where stories live. Discover now