Chapter 6

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The whole day I've stayed silent, looking down at the ground, not wanting to look up at the bright sky. It feels wrong... How dare I feel joyful, and warm when Ken is dead and cold?

How dare I let him believe he was nothing more than a throw away piece in this quest, a stupid pawn of Calypso's game?

Yesterday, we gave Ken a proper burial after Calypso released us with very specific directions. It... went better than I thought it would. I didn't shed a tear, knowing Ken wouldn't approve of that. I felt a third presence with us, and I wasn't scared. No... I was... content in a way.

But that didn't stop me from mourning. I was torn apart, upset that one of my only friends have died. And for what? For supposedly betraying the woman he never was even loyal to?

Nico has been near me, much like before Ken died, making sure that we don't get separated. We can't afford that to happen.

"Hey Vanessa... You okay?" the boy spoke. I looked up slightly through my eyelashes and let out a quiet breath of air. "... Yeah.... Whatever... I'm gonna kill her though.... I'm going to pulverize that little insane bi-" Nico cut me off, grabbing me by my arms.

"Look, I get what you're going through. I've had plenty of people that I love and care have died. Or nearly have. The fates wanted this to happen. I've tried, Vanessa. I've tried to bring them back, I've tried to barter with the Moirai. I've tried everything done humanely possible... By Hades' name, I even tried anything possible by a god!

"This is the way it was supposed to be. This is our prophecy, Vanessa- more specifically- it's yours. You know he was supposed to die. You know that this was his fate- our fate. You can't change it, and I don't care how blunt this sounds: get over it!

I stared at Nico, my eyes blurring over. At first, I thought that I would pass out from how overwhelming this situation is. But I didn't. I just let out the tears which have welled up and have been damned by me. Nico's words were just the wrecking balls I needed to destroy that damn.

I started to sob, falling onto my knees, as I hugged his body. Nico gave a shocked jolt and looked at me. I took a deep breath before starting to speak.

".... I'm sorry... I'm sorry that this entire quest I've been a brat. I've constantly gotten in trouble... It's just... I'm scared. And then... a-and then Ken said that he was a side character. But he's not... and he died thinking that's all he ever was to me! He was one of my best friends, a comrade... He didn't even take the time to think that I was going to want him to be here... To stand by me, to show the world that even the ones who are on the side are important...

I looked up at Nico and I think I saw... relief. I don't know what he could be possibly relieved about.

I just want to make sure his death wasn't in vain. I know his death was supposed to happen. I understand that. In the prophecy it talked about how it would be a noble thing... It's my drive, my fuel now. And nothing will stop me. I made a promise to myself when Ken died.

But I never understood how painful his death would be. You wouldn't think that after only a few days two people could be close friends, but that was the case for Ken and I. I don't understand.... There didn't need to be any deaths. There didn't need to be any casualties in this silent war. And yet, we have come to that point.

"Okay, so what's the plan of attack. We need to figure out a way of how to get to the gem, and what to do with it afterwards. We definitely can't give it to-" I cut off Nico. "You idiot, shut up. This isn't the free world. This is Ogygia. This is her territory. Who knows what or who could be listening on to our conversation," I said, a clear scowl on my face. Nico frowned and nodded, sighing. "Sorry," he mumbled, looking at the ground.

I realized that was letting my temper get the best of me. "No... No sorry, I shouldn't have been so rude. I just don't want anything else to go wrong." I ran a hand through my hair, feeling all the knots and such. "Ugh, I need a shower. I at least need to wash this hair," I said with pure disgust. Nico laughed a bit. "We both do. Come on, let's pack up and then try to find some sort of water source. I think a bit of washing would help out with all that." He smiled and then sighed softly. I tilted my head trying to figure out what this boy is thinking about. But I suppose I will never figure this boy out.

My Mistake (Sequel to My Life) #WATTYS2019Where stories live. Discover now