Dāria's Dārōñe-Queen's Grace

Start from the beginning

Adam lifted the rune and it began to glow. From it a sleek, regal vehicle was formed. It was a motorcycle covered in Kishan markings, shaped like a majestic mechanical horse, clearly something that could also function in battle and not just for joy rides. Tobi stared in awe before he went up to it an examined it, running his hand along the polished surface. He turned and bowed respectfully. Illya then turned her attention to Nikiro.

"As for Nikiro, My son has informed me of your love for books. I myself am quite the book fanatic. I have amassed quite a lot of them over the years. My gift to you is your very own personal library. You can find it here in the palace. Now that you and your family have chosen to stay here, there will be many more adventures in your future. Thus I've made sure to leave some room for whatever books or pieces of knowledge you would like to bring back. You can fill your library with your own accomplishments and findings."

Nikiro's eyes lit up at the mere mention of books. He bowed again and Illya stepped behind them, facing the people below.

"Solarians! Please welcome them to our proud family!"

The crowed below erupted into cheers. Nikiro and Tobi were new to these circumstances but they didn't necessarily hate it. It just took some getting used to. All around cheers and laughter filled the air and not a single frown was to be seen.


{One week ago}

Astrid and Tobi were in the little foyer to her chambers. Tobi sat on the ground near the fountain while Astrid jumped and spun around in front of him. "Tobi did you see how great we were! We were like WHOOSH WHOOSH and then you were like BAM PEW PEW PEW and then I was like WAHBAM!"

She gestured frantically as she recalled their little adventure to the underground mines. He laughed as he watched her whimsically flutter around the room. As much as he hated to admit it, he had actually enjoyed his time in the Mad Queen's territory, despite having wanted to assassinate her when they first met. The thought of having to return to Sindaria gnawed at the back of his mind. He continued to watch Astrid when he spotted Illya being wheeled in on a wheelchair by Luke. Astrid's happy go lucky demeanor faded into concern as she approached her mother.

"Mama, how are you feeling?" She asked, kneeling beside Illya.

Illya smiled at her daughter and played with her hair. "I'm fine sea star."

Tobi stood up and shoved his hands into his pockets. "I didn't think someone like you would end up in a wheelchair." He said, referring to her seemingly invincible demeanor.

Illya laughed. "Unlike myself, Henaer's one of the original Gods. She's been around for a looong time. It's only natural she would be more powerful. I only beat her because of how unhinged she had become. It seems that when I absorbed her power some of it was still embedded into my shi even though we had you bring that spring water to purify me. It's nothing serious. I should be a okay in a couple more days. My nerves are just a little stunned at the moment."

Astrid breathed a sigh of relief. Illya continued to fiddle with Astrid's hair for a moment before perking up, as though she remembered something she was supposed to do.

"Ah! That reminds me, Tobi, what do you plan to do now? Don't you have to report back to King Sana?"

Astrid frowned. She knew her new friend had responsibilities elsewhere but it still saddened her knowing they were technically seen as enemies, having their loyalties split between different rulers. Tobi sighed and rubbed the back of his head.

"About that...I—"

"I don't employ brats." Illya cut him off.

It was Tobi's turn to frown as Illya's words shattered any hope he had of remaining in Solaria.

"I believe that's what I told you when we first met. However, my opinion of you has changed. You are more than welcome to stay here if you want, but at a price of course."

Before Tobi could sink into the pits of self loathing, his morale skyrocketed again. "What do you mean?" He questioned.

"The moment you set foot in my castle, you piqued my interest. If you chose, I can offer you a place in my court. As a recon soldier. It gives you a reason to continue adventuring and a job to do. I don't know what you're used to with Sana but I can assure you that over here, we treat each and every one of our people as family. However, working for me means your life will most definitely be put in danger. If you don't have the will power and drive to succeed, you won't survive a day here. Of course this is only if you want to stay."

Tobi was taken aback. He had been offered exactly what he wanted and with people he thought he could finally relate to. He knew there was no way in hell an opportunity as perfect as this would come around again.

"...I...have to...speak with King Sana first...ah! I won't mention anything about coming here to work for you!"

Illya smiled. "So I take that as a yes then? Don't worry, take your time we're in no rush. I'm sure King Sana has heard of what happened with Henaer by now. He's got rats everywhere. We'll be awaiting your return. Have a safe trip!"

Illya waved goodbye and Astrid and Luke wheeled her out.


A day had past since his conversation with Illya. He had made it safely to Sindaria and was now on his way to an audience with the King. The King's right hand, Jahan, escorted Tobi to the King's study. The door creaked open to reveal King Sana's dignified figure at his desk.

"Tobi! Welcome back. Your mission was successful then?"

Tobi bowed out of courtesy. The slightest waver in his voice could tip King Sana off to his plans, but something told him that he already knew of the circumstances.


****Author's Note****

Welcome to part two of Agu-Crown! Look forward to what's to come. Maybe they'll even be a sprinkle of romance. If you have a questioned you want answered by any of the characters, head on over to Agu-Teasers and leave a comment with your questions to be answered. Enjoyed this chapter? Looking forward to the rest of part two? Please leave a comment and vote so I know you did! Thanks for reading!!

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