Chapter 33: Believe Me, I've Seen It

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Before you begin, take note of these:
(F/N)= Father's Name

(Earlier That Day)

The clock struck 7am.

(F/N) had already gotten out of the house to work. The two siblings were the ones who remained at home. Nothing but dead silence roamed the air.

You shifted from the (f/c) bed, stretching your arms then you fixed your clothed navy embroidered pocket pajama dress. Sounds of feet touching the floor descended down the staircase. Mamoru was seen in the kitchen making okonomiyaki.

Laid out on the table were rice bowls with chicken katsu on top. (E/c) eyes stared at his brother's cooking in awe. It looked and smelled delicious.

"Good Morning Mamoru-Nii." you yawned sleepily.

"Good Morning Imouto." he greeted.

Soon after cooking, he joined your eating form.

"There is madness believe me I've seen it." you convinced your brother.

"Where?" Mamoru took a bite out of the shared okonomiyaki.

"Himura's Funeral Parlor. You see, the two children that I'm homeschooling are strange. Kei said how I smelled so good and that he has his arms around me, making me uncomfortable.

What's worse is that the corner of Jun's mouth dripped with blood. I'm afraid of how they were acting so weird.

I'm just letting you know because I'm slowly getting creeped out about this." you nervously pulled a (h/c) strand away from your face.

"(Y/N)-Chan, you're just overreacting. It's probably the stress that's making you like this." his tone monotonous.

He didn't believe you.

"It's true! Why can't you understand me?" you glared at him.

"(N/N), these things that are occupying your mind are nothing but your past. Don't let it haunt you. It only wants fear and weakness from you. Next thing you know all your energy will be drained and you'll be sick." he held your hand softly.

"Fine, I won't think about it anymore due to my health being at risk." you said, drinking your water.

"You'll be alright. I will protect you from harm." he said with sincerity.


Osamu sat comfortably back against the black couch at the living room. The two children stood in front of him. Their eyes met the floor.

"How was your session with (Y/N)?" he asked.

"It was wonderful father. She was very nice and smart in teaching us." Kei answered.

"We did our best. You should look at the proud expression on her face." Jun also answered.

The male nodded then said, "What did I tell you both about not fooling around?"

"I'm sorry father, please forgive me!" they bowed their heads in shame.

"Don't you realize what you could've done? She had  been very suspicious about us yesterday. I could tell how her heart hammered inside her chest. Anxiety and fear filled her mind.. I DON'T WANT HER TO DETACHED HERSELF FROM US!" dark eyes showed seriousness.

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