Chapter 20: His Ravenous Appetite

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A/N: Your not much included in here because this will be narrating someone.

I hate getting flashbacks from things that I don't want to remember. Why does every moment have to be so hard? The worst thing is that, I don't forget easily.

It was meant to be that way. How can I begin anything new with all of the past in me?


Don't call it a fight when you know it's a war.

The world around us is burning.

People's screams got louder and louder that it became deafening to your ears. Everything fell apart, from the walls and windows of the houses. It shook the ground turning into ashes.

I watched it all fall into place. Footsteps running pass by me. My younger brother was with me. We were just playing around at night close to the house when it all began.

I pulled my brother with me getting a closer look of what's happening outside. It was terrorizing to witness this chaos.

"Get back in the house! NOW!" father shouted running to us.

I quickly sent ourselves back home safe and sound with no complaints. Father made it home too. He was panting, out of breath.

"Tell me what is the meaning of this?" mother's eyes stared worriedly at him.

"The houses burned up in flames. I'll tell you more about it tomorrow, sweetie. Now what's important is to get some rest." he caressed her hair gently.

We immediately went to bed after all that commotion raging outside our house door. He stirred in his sleep, shaking. Keiji couldn't sleep from what he had just seen.

"Big brother Tomi, I'm scared." he faced me.

"Come sleep with me. I'll protect you." I patted an empty spot next to my bed.

"Thank you. I'm glad I have you." he smiled bringing his brown stuffed teddy bear with him.

I just smiled laying back down beside him. We were able to sleep peacefully that night even when there was trouble.

The next day, I woke up very early. My stomach couldn't contain itself any longer. Keiji was at the hallway playing happily with his toys.

I was about to go to the kitchen to make myself have some of my mother's cooking for breakfast when a conversation made me stop in my tracks. I leaned outside of their door listening carefully.

"The houses that had gotten on fire last night wasn't just an accident." father shared.

"What do you mean?" mother's voice trembled.

"He's the one who did it. That damn psycho cannibal." he loathed him.

"I know that. For crying out loud! Why were you out late at night yesterday and in the past few days?!" she demanded.

"I.. There was some... business that I have.. to take care of." he looked away from her.

"Don't tell me you were out with another woman! After all these years, when I had gave you my al-" she was cutted off by him.

"I was devising a plan to stop the cannibal and his fellow tribes from eating the innocent people alive! I had to do it for our protection!" he balled his fist.

"And what exactly did you do?" her eyes never leaving his.

"I cause their houses on fire. I can't bare to see another poor soul being taken by them." he whispered.

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