55. "Is This All...A Game?"

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The whole thing has been crashing down on the Pharaoh that he lost his most prize possession in the whole world that he was never going to forgive himself. Bakura in the other hand has another plan coming once the millennium items are restored in they're tablet. One question is that he doesn't understand is the fact of this whole setting of Bakura's plot that wasn't very convenient as Yami would think not after he lost Marie.

Bakura already has just been revived!. He takes over where Aknadin had left off, namely attempt to convince to pledge his allegiance to .

Meanwhile is still trying to locate to prevent him from joining the evil and making a big mistake.

At this point, Thief King Bakura summons "" again. Its was , but thanks to the power of all the , Bakura does not need a tablet anymore. In addition, the Items have made "Diabound" stronger than ever.

Aknadin makes one final attempt to convince his son to join Zorc, while Isis,Shada , Shimon Muran and urge him not to listen. At this point, having had enough of the ' meddling, Aknadin opens a dark portal and throws Priest Seto into it. He follows shortly after. The Pharaoh tries to get in as well, but Bakura's "Diabound" prevents him. snaps his fingers and the ground starts shaking. The retreats into the ground and tenebrosity fills the room.

Back at , Thief King Bakura's magic has transported the Priests back to the surface and they have now been separated from one another, in groups. Shimon Muran and Shada have to fight "". Shada summons "" to assist him and he promptly gets rid of the monster. Isis and Karim have to fight "". Isis summons "", but her monster is quickly dispatched. The Pharaoh and Hassan have to deal with "". Mana is dealing with an "". To help her, she summons "".

Eventually, Shimon Muran and Shada join up with Isis and Karim, just as Isis receives a fatal blow from the monster she's battling. Since he is too weak to be of any assistance, Karim transfers his remaining to Shada. "Two-Headed Jackal Warrior" grows more powerful as a result and gets rid of the monster Isis. As the monster is destroyed, the Pharaoh, Hassan and Mana arrive.

The Pharaoh has seen enough: He tells Hassan to stay here and protect the others, while he mounts his horse and departs to find Priest Seto.

Back at the "", and his friends have entered the ancient tomb where found the originally. They cannot pass through walls here. Just like when Grandpa Muto came here, the place is still loaded with traps. Yugi and his friends must be careful.

That's when Yami then snapped to realize, " Wait...Is this all...a game?" It echoed in his head as the light around them brighten's up the room that Yami blacked out.

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