1.Domino City

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Marie Pov

I am 6 years old and I live in Domino City with my Uncle and Aunt. I go to school and I have a best friend name Polly. The only strange thing that happened to me one day was that my Uncle discovered a key that has a millennium eye at the end which I was able to touch it between my fingertips to feel some weird energy. It was like I was in Egypt back in 5,000 years ago where a palace and villages were lived together. That was until I saw a figure sitting on a throne in the shadow that I wasn't able to see his face clearly. 

The vision disappeared as I notice that was somehow attached to the key and another person or many people have this kind of strange power. Oh well, at least nothing bad isn't going to happen, right?

"Uncle? I'm going for a walk and i'll be back." I told him while he was reading his book.

I walked around Domino City to see all the amazing features around here and what I love most about Domino is duel monsters! I have a deck on my own and I like to see what kind of monsters do people have to play on the field when they duel. All this thinking in my thoughts didn't give me to chance to-

"Hey!" I felled on my bottom for being bump into the ground. 

"Sorry." A male voice said. He had weird spiky hair had the same color eyes as me and had a millennium item around his neck that was a triangle with the same eye as mine.

"It's fine." I assured him.

Yami Pov

I find this little girl somehow familiar to me from her facial feature. I notice a millennium item around her neck that was a key which means she has something to do with in my past.

"Yugi!" I heard Tea running over to me.

"C'mon , we're going to the arcade." She beckon as I turn back around to see the girl vanished.

Who was that little girl?

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