25. Yami vs Rafael

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Yami Yugi enters the building. The lobby is empty and one elevator is descending there: when it opens, soulless body collapses on him. He notices a ghostly feather and a fog. He wonders if it's a feather from "" but he seems to realize it isn't the case. He then enters the elevator and ascends to the roof to meet his opponent.

As Yami Yugi suspected, the feather belonged to "". Yami Yugi accuses of having defeated both Mai and Joey, given how he hands Yami Yugi "". Rafael corrects him: Joey lost to Mai. Mai then came here and confronted him demanding to know 's whereabouts. Rafael challenged her and used "" against her. Even though she'd been wielding "Hermos", she apparently wasn't able to use it. Rafael is not moved by the losses of his two companions and he doesn't seem to be moved by anything as well as affirming that everything is a part of Fate. As they talk, a strange ghostly serpent-like shape flies across the world's skies, obscuring the stars: it is being noticed by people around the world.

and meet up with and , who are carrying Joey's shell. They suddenly are forced to climb up some emergency stairs to escape a swarm of rats rushing across the streets. Everyone wonders if it's a sign of something.

Within the depths of the ocean, the god is growing in strength and opens an eye: it seems to be gazing at something.

Rafael tells Yami Yugi that he will fight him for the sake of the "new age" and it being a part of Fate. Yami Yugi shots back that he also wants to Duel Rafael but that's not "Fate", it's because Rafael is a true Duelist. Rafael keeps on insisting everything was arranged by Fate: this time, Yami Yugi's soul shall be seized to revive the Orichalcos god. As if to prove his point, he brings out a "The Seal of Orichalcos" card and shows it to Yami Yugi. Rafael then puts it on his own Deck and he and Yami Yugi shuffle each others' Decks. Yami Yugi claims to Rafael that he won't fall for the same trick twice.

Rafael employs the same strategies in the Duel as he did in his previous Duel with Yami Yugi.

Yami Yugi tells Rafael that he's sure that he won't use "The Seal" because he wants to protect his monsters. Rafael admits that though Yami Yugiis right about him wanting to protect his monsters, when you accept the "Dark" of your heart, then "Light" shines in the "Dark" and the answer (to Fate) comes out. Since Yami Yugi can't use it properly, Rafael will show him the true power of the "Seal". He plays the "Seal" just as Kaiba and company reach the scene.

Featured Duel: Rafael VS. Yami Yugi Round 2

Turn 1: Rafael
Rafael draws. He then "", discarding his entire and 2 cards. While "Guardian Treasure" is face-up, Rafael may draw 1 extra card from his during each of his . Rafael then "" (500/2200) in and a Card.

Turn 2: Yami Yugi
Yami Yugi draws "" ("" in the dub, see Notes below for more info). He then "" (1500/1600) in .

Turn 3: Rafael
Rafael draws. Due to the the effect of "Guardian Treasure", Rafael draws one extra card (One of the cards he drew was ""). Rafael then activates "Gravity Axe -Grarl", equipping it to "Backup Gardna" and increasing the of "Backup Gardna" by 500 ("Backup Gardna": 500 → 1000/2200).

Since "Gravity Axe - Grarl" is on the and "" is the only Card in Rafael's hand, Rafael "Guardian Grarl" (2500/1000) from his hand in . Rafael then activates the effect of "Backup Gardna" to unequip its "Gravity Axe - Grarl" and equip it to "Guardian Grarl" instead ("Backup Gardna": 1000 → 500/2200) ("Guardian Grarl": 2500 → 3000/1000). "Guardian Grarl" and "Queen's Knight".

Turn 4: Yami Yugi
Yami Yugi draws "" and subsequently activates it to "Queen's Knight" (1500/1600) from his in . Yami Yugi then "" (1600/1400) in . Since summoned "King's Knight" while he controlled "Queen's Knight", Yami Yugi activates the effect of "King's Knight" to Special Summon "" (1900/1000) from his in Attack Position.

Yami Yugi then activates "" to add together the ATK of his three "Knights" during one battle this turn (1500 + 1600 + 1900 = 5000 ATK), intending to attack and destroy "Guardian Grarl" at the cost of his three "Knights" being destroyed at the end of the Battle Phase, however activates his face-down "" to the effect of "Brave Attack" and destroy it.

Turn 5: Rafael
Rafael draws. Due to the effect of "Guardian Treasure", Rafael draws one extra card (One of the cards he drew was "Butterfly Dagger - Elma"). Rafael then activates "", equipping it to "Backup Gardna" and increasing the ATK of "Backup Gardna" by 300 ("Backup Gardna": 500 → 800/2200). Rafael then Normal Summons "" (1300/1200) in . Rafael then activates the effect of "Guardian Elma" to target "" from his and equip it to "Guardian Elma", increasing its by 300 ("": 1300/1200 → 1500).

Rafael then activates the effect of "Backup Gardna" to unequip its "Butterfly Dagger - Elma" and equip it to "Guardian Elma" instead ("Backup Gardna": 800 → 500/2200) ("": 1300 → 1600/1500). "Guardian Elma" then attacks and destroys "Queen's Knight" ( 4000 → 3900). "Guardian Grarl" then attacks & destroys "King's Knight" ( 3900 → 2500).

Turn 6: Yami Yugi
Yami Yugi draws. He then activates "" to Tribute "Jack's Knight" and the five , "", "", "", "", and "" (300/200 each) from his Deck in Attack Position. Yami Yugi then activates the effect of "Kuriboo" to discard "" from his hand and reduce the of "Guardian Grarl" by 1500 ("Guardian Grarl": 3000 → 1500/1000).

"" defends from attack made by "".

Yami Yugi then activates the effect of "Kuribah" to remove "Kuriboh", "Kuribee", "Kuribeh", "Kuriboo" and itself from play and "" (?/200) in . Due to the effect of "Kuribabylon", its ATK is equal to the combined ATK of the "Kuriboh" brothers when they were removed from play ("Kuribabylon": ? → 1500/200). Yami Yugi then activates "" to destroy "Gravity Axe - Grarl" ("Guardian Grarl": 1500 → 1000/1000).

"Kuribabylon" attacks "Guardian Grarl", but destroys "Guardian Shield" ("Guardian Elma": 1600/1500 → 1200) via its own effect in order to prevent "Guardian Grarl" from being destroyed ( 4000 → 3500). Yami Yugi then a Card. On Yami Yugi's End Phase, the effect of "" expires ("Guardian Grarl": 1000 → 2500/1000).

Turn 7: Rafael
Rafael draws. Due to the effect of "Guardian Treasure", Rafael draws one extra card (One of the cards he drew was ""). Despite 's objections. Rafael activates the Seal of Orichalcos.

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