Day 1, London, England

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"Vienna!" I hear people yelling out and I whip around to see five adult-boys rushing towards me. I grin and drop the handle to my hot pink suitcase and let my giant blue and purple carry-on bag drop to the ground beside it.

"Boys!" I squeal and hug all five of them. Maddie whips around to look at us and her eyes widen. "This is my best friend Maddie!"

"Hey, Maddie" The all chorus as she stands frozen on the spot.

'Holy shit! You're One Direction." She says, dumbfounded.

"Yes. Yes we are." Louis says and I can't help but roll my eyes.

"So, Vienna, how have to been?" Zayn turns to me and I grin happily.

"Never been better!" I smile as the other boys throw our luggage into my hotel room and then shut the door behind them. "Why are you guys here?"

"We heard you were coming back to us so when we finished recording we came out to see you and your lovely best friend." Harry winks at Maddie but she doesn't notice and just yawns.

"Well, how nice of you." Maddie replies after a second of silence. "But if you don't mind, I just got off of a 23 hour flight so I think I'm going to go sleep off my jetlag."

"Alright, night, love." Niall calls out to her as she closes the bedroom door.

"We really can stay for only a moment. How about we meet up for supper tonight? We need to catch up." Liam asks and I nod, realizing that I was indeed very tired.

"I would love that! Be here around 5:45?" I ask and they agree. We quickly say our goodbyes and then I lay down on my bed, drifting off to sleep.


"So, when are your two other dancers friends going to join you?" Harry asks, watching a Helicopter cicle in the air outside the McDonalds that we were currently occupying.

"They should be boarding now, actually. So we'll see them tommorow night." Maddie replies tiredly. She had only woken up about half an hour and I guess her jetlag wasn't completely gone, seeing she was exausted and grumpy. I on the other hand was thrilled to be back in London. Of course I was exausted and I knew that I was probably going to sleep half of the day tommorow but I couldn't care less since I was in such a good mood.

"Cool. What have you been up to lately?" Niall asks, biting into his burger.

"We have been dancing loads lately, practicing for your show." I tell them and they glance at each other. 

"Uncle Simon told us that you just got your own TV show, right?" Zayn says and I nod my head. 

"Yeah, we start filming next week." Maddie says, suddenly turning happy. I bite my lip and look down at my food.

"That's cool." Niall says and I look up. Harry and Louis were looking at me with a raised eyebrow but I just ignore them and join back into the conversation.

By the time we were done supper, it was past 9:00 and I could really feel the tiredness growing on me. Maddie and I take a taxi back to our hotel and climb under the covers in our seperate beds, mumbling goodnight and quickly falling asleep. 

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