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"It's just like stealing candy from a baby when it comes to you, Peters." I hear a voice snarl as I slam the door to my new red convertible behind me, courtesy of my mom and step-dad Vince. I approach the crowd to get a better look and lean against a wall to watch the little scene infront of me. A very attractive boy with blond hair and blue eyes was holding up a little scrawny nerd by the collar of his shirt, yelling and chuckling at his terrified face. I watch them for a few minutes in disgust and soon enough, lots of people had started to gather but no one said a word. 

"I pity you." I walk forward so I'm standing right beside the two of them. A collective gasp goes throught the crowd and the tall boy lets the scrawny boy down. The little one scrambles away and the other one turns to look at me. Okay, maybe I didn't think this out very well. 

"Excuse me?" He growls and I make an extra effort to not flinch away. Instead, I step closer and smile sweetly. 

"I said that I pity you. You're not even able to bully a nerd without your entourage." I motion to his burly friends standing behind him. 

"Who are you?" He asks, taking a step away from me, his eyes immediatly softening a little. 

"Vienna." I reply, crossing my arms. "What about you?"

"Nate Collins." He replies, extending his hand. I stare at him until he pulls it back.

"Well, Nate Collins. I don't like you very much and I just got here. How is that it's the first day of school and you're already causing commotion?"

"Good question, Vienna. I guess I just attract it." He winks and I roll my eyes. 

"You need a shrink." I sigh and turn to walk away but he grabs my arm. 

"First day?" I nod in reply to his question. "Watch your back."

"I won't need to. You wouldn't hit me." I pull me arm away and stalk off in the direction of the office. 


"Well if it isn't little miss Vienna." Nate sneers during the lunch period as I walk by his table. His big friends chuckle and the girls surrounding him giggle. 

"Well if it isn't the macho Nath." I smile sweetly.

"It's Nate." He replies coldly and I shrug, not caring. "How is it possible for someone so small to be so annoying?"

"She's British, Nate. It's in her blood to be stupid." The blonde sitting beside him giggles and everyone around her laughs. I give them a blank look then walk away but when I'm halfway to the door, I feel someone pulling me back and I whip around to see Nate smiling down at me.

"Can I get your number?" He asks, grinning and the room shuses down once again.

"I don't know. Can you?"

"May I please have your number?" He corrects himself and I nod, scribbling it down on a nearby napkin. He salutes me playfully and I just roll my eyes and continue my way to the doors. The rest of the day, I can't help but think that this little game was actually quite fun and that Nate wasn't that bad. 

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