The Weekend

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Before I knew it, Saturday had rolled around and I was sitting on the warm sand, letting the water tickle my feet. The week basically consisted of me flirting non-stop with a certain blue-eyed, blonde and very fit boy and then being asked to a bonfire on the beach tonight. Lots of the girls hated me, especially Naomi, the bottle blonde who thought she ruled the school and was the most popular girl so she could have any guy she wanted. Unfortunately for her, Nate didn't like her back.

Nate was an entirely different subject. He was a player and from what I heard from Maddie, a girl that I have hung out all week with and is in basically all of my classes, she said that he's no good and that I should stay away from him. The funny thing was, Maddie was Nate's sister and she was dating his best friend. Nate wouldn't exactly be pleased with her if he found out that she said that. I could see why he was so good at getting girls. With his good looks, his charm and his extremely defined muscles, no one could help but fantasize about him. Plus, he was captain of the lacross team at school. Cody, Nate's best friend, was a real sweetheart. He joked with Nate all the time but had a long-time relationship with Maddie. They were adorable together!

"Hey, Britain." Maddie sings, her voice carrying across the empty beach. She grins and sits down beside me, kicking off her flip flops. "I finally finished the Biology homework. I thought me brain was about to explode."

"I know what you mean. I worked on it from nine last night until two in the morning but I still had to work on it for an hour this morning." I think Mr. Birgh hates us." I laugh, building a little lump of sand. 

"Obviously. I don't think I can stand the class anymore and we only just started it." She frowns but then immediatly perks up. "You know the dance school we tried out for a few weeks ago?"

"Yeah. You made me try to get in too as soon as you heard that I danced and threatened to fill my bath tub with whipped cream if I didn't try with you." I roll my eyes and she grins proudly. I ended up filling out an applicating to do competitive-professional dance just like Maddie and we tried out together the next day. "Why? Did you get your letter back?"

"Yes! I got in!" She jumps excitedly and we high-five. "What about you, did you get your letter back?"

"Honestly, I haven't checked the mail in a few days so I possibly did. Or maybe it came today since the mail does come at noon."

"Well let's go see even though we both know you made it." She was probably right since at the auditions I was amongst the top with Maddie. 

  "We never know," I smile as we push ourselves up. We go onto the deck, stepping into the little box that cleans our feet to not get sand in the carpet before opening my patio door and going inside. We rush upstairs and head to the big double doors up front. We rush down the long drive-way, stepping on the circle of grass in the middle andsprinting to the mailbox at the end of the lane. I take a deep breath and open it to see a few new letters.

"Bills, advertisements, invitations, business letters... Here it is!" We both begin the walk back to the house, quickly dropping the other letters on the kitchen table and rushing back downstairs to my room. I delicately tear it open and hold my breath. Maddie rips it out of my hands and begins to read.

"Dear Miss Cowell, we have received your application to The Cambridge Academy of Dance and would be honored to accept you in our program!" She reads and we both begin to squeal, doing a little happy dance. I rip the page out of her hands and continue to read the rest.

"Dance practice comes to a total of 27 hours a week and you will travel across the globe to compete and/or perform . The competitive-professional level at The Cambridge Academy of Dance is considered to be one of the toughest programs in the world so do not take this descision lightly. We will be expecting your letter of acceptance or rejection in the next week. Head of Acceptance Council, Darcy Ferguson."   

"Well, are you going to be a dancer with me or will I have to force you to accept by putting whipped cream in your bathtub?" She smirks and I reaise and eyebrow, shaking my head.

"Of course I'm going to accept! Let's write our acceptance letters now." I was so happy that I felt on top of the world as we pulled out pads and pencils and began to write.

'Dear Ms, Ferguson. This is Vienna Cowell and I was responding to your letter of acceptance into your competitive-proffesional program at The Cambridge Academy of Dance and I would like to inform you that I would be honored to join.'

I re-read it and frown. Okay, maybe not. Whatever, I'll work on it later but now, I have to tell my mom and dad.  

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