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"Alright, Vienna, darling. I need you to just stand there and tell us about yourself. Pretend that you're talking to a friend and answer the question that pop up an the screen. Act natural and don't worry about anything. This is just a promo so there is no guarantee we will even use any of it." The gay American director for the TV series tells me and I nod, sitting down on a cream leather couch. There are people bustling around everywhere in my dressing room and I struggle to not fidget while they touch-up my make-up. The other girls did theirs yesterday but I had a Biology test that I had to take after school so they moved it to today. A bell rings and I jump out of my seat but then calm myself back down. It was just some random noise that the tech guy made with his giant portable sound system.

"Alright, lovely. Let's get this show on the row." The make-up artist back away and smiles at me, turning and leaving me on my own. I take a deep breath as Carl, the director, comes back to me.

"Is she ready?" He yells out as if I weren't there, receiving a jumble of responses. He turns back to me with the biggest smile I have ever seen." You look lovely, darling. Remember, breathe and be your beautiful self."

"Alright." I smile weakly and he nods, walking off to sit on his director chair.

The first question pop up on the screen right beside the camera and they yell action so I quickly glance at it then back at the camera. Who are you?

"Hey! I'm Vienna Coweel and I am a dancer at The Cambridge Academy of Dance in Melbourne, Australia."

How old are you? Where are you from?

"I'm fourteen years old and I am from London, England but I moved to a little town outside Melbourne with my mom during the summer."

What is your favorite type of dance?

"My favorite type of dance is definately jazz but lyrical and contemporary come right after."

How long have you been dancing?

"I have been dancing since I was two years old and I started competitive when I was six. This is my third year in professional but it's my first year as a pro in Australia."

Why should people watch this show?

"You should watch our show. You know you want to." I wink at the camera and the off-air bell rings, making me jump. 

"That was amazing! You must have been born to be on TV." I kind of was, I think to myself as Carl rushes towards me. He hugs me tightly and places a kiss on each other my cheeks. I stay planted to the ground in surprise when he walks away yelling orders at people who rush around.

I stay on the sofa in my dressing room at the studio, silently watching and analyzing the adults rushing around as they obey orders. Carl is watching the TV where the questions were previously put up but now it was showing the footage we had just taken. He was smiling and talking with his assistant. 

"We should really give her more air time. She would charm people into watching the show. Plus, look at her. She's hot and she has really good camera angles worked out for her. Must get it from her parents." I frown when I hear Carl whispering that to his assistant. 

I don't want more air time, I want everything to be equal. If my dad were here now, he would scold me for being too nice for my own good. Must have gotten that from mom.

Author's Note: Gah! Sorry I didn't update yesterday and that my last few chapters have really sucked. I have finals coming up plus a swimming competition this weekend so I'm starting to have trouble finding time but I promise I will try to get back on track! Althought, yesterday I did post another part of my story 'Royally Loved' so you can go check that out if you want. xoxo 

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