Reality TV

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"Gather around, girls. I want to get started now." Portia yells and we join her in the practice room at the studio. I prefered to dance on the stage since the floors were softer and easier to turn on but when I walk in, I'm surpised to see three men and two women standing there in business suits. I stop in the doorway eye them as they do the same.

"Come in, Vienna. Come take a seat." Portia tells me and I relunctantly obey, sitting down on the chair in the middle. There was a little screen and a projector that had a CD infront to hide the image. When Maddie comes in, she sits on my right and shoots me a confused look. I shrug as Ivy comes in and sits on me left. Peyton, who is the last one to come sits on Maddie's right and Portia goes to sit beside Caila in the back corner of the room. I give them a confused look and they motion for me to look back at the screen. One of the men clears his throat and removes the CD.

"Hello, girls. I'm Mitchel and these are my colleagues Gale and Dave. You might have been told that your coaches had been called to maybe have your own reality show. That is what we are here to talk to you about. We have actually been getting emails from lots of people suggesting that we get you to have your own shows and we have contacted television stations in America, Europe and Australia to consider taking you up and they have all said that they would be thrilled to add that to their program." Mitchel says and we all stare at him, wide eyes. "Basically, we are here today to show you the advantges to joining our team. Gale, if you would like to take over."

"Alright, so, we worked out contracts with the channels and, if you chose to accept, your salaries would be of 12, 000$ a month each. Plus, an anonymous station has decided that they would like to donate a private jet for you to travel in that would be just for the six of you."

"Six?" I hear Peyton ask.

"The four of you, plus your two coaches." He clarifies and we all turn to Caila.

"I decided to co-coach you four and pass down the seniors to another teacher." She shrugs and we nod, happy that she is coming back to us.

"Right. Well, you would have your own jet, your own TV show and a 12, 000$ a month salary. We just need you to sign your name on the dotted line and to get one of your parents to sign it." The other girls squeal excitedly but I look at them suspiously. My dad taught me that there is always a catch when something is too good to be true.

"What's the catch?" I ask and everyone quiets down.

"What do you mean?" Gale asks, suddenly starting to fidget a little. 

"I mean, what is the part of all this that we won't like?"

"There is no catch." 

"Oh, please! We are talking about a reality TV show. There is obviously a catch."

"Well, we might have to create a little drama to keep it going but it won't be too bad." 

"What do you mean my a little drama?" Ivy asks, sounding nervous. 

"Nothing much, just a few chanllenges for you. We would also get you to go to harder competitions where the girls can be a little more intense."

"We are international dancers. We can handle intense." Maddie says confidently. The three men up front glance at each other and nod their heads in agreement.

"Then I suppose you won't have anything to worry about." Mitchel reassures us and everyone breathes out a sigh of relief but I'm still suspicious.

"What else is there?" Ivy asks, eyeing to bottom of the powerpoint saying that there are still 13 more slides to go. That was only three of them.

"We need to talk about your schooling. We would have a private tutor for you since you are all in the same grade so that way you can focus more on dance." He continues to talk and switch his slides,coming up with reasons of why we should do the TV show.  

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