Law Firms

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"Alright, I just need you to sign here, here and here. Then on this page, sign here." Mitchel points to a whole bunch of line while I try to read bit and pieces of the contract.

"You sent this to my dad and his lawyers and they checked it, right?" I ask, even thought I already knew the answer. Dad had called me to tell me that he checked it over for all of us and that they were all good. 

"Yes, Vienna." He sighs and I nod, picking up the black pen and scribbling down my loopy signature. I reapeat that three other times until I sign every where. I look over at Maddie, Ivy and Peyton who were also signing their papers. We ended up getting 105, 000$ a month each. Thank you, daddy!

Peyton, Ivy and Maddie thought it was insane and that they were now rich and I couldn't help but think that that was silly. It is alot of money, but compared to what my parents get, I feel poor. Either way, I was very excited for this. TV is a good platform for when you are starting anything because of all the media attention. And there are some very nice perks.

I now have a TV show.

Authors Note: Gah! Sorry that it's so short! I'm having a little bit of writers block but I also don't want to break a deal with myself saying that I would upload everyday. Anyways, I have a new story up but I think that's I might just concentrate on this one for a bit then I'll get around to doing the other one. You might have also realized that my last chapter had a lot of grammar mistakes but that is because I never re-read my writing because I'm just too lazy. Sorry!!!! <3 

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