First Monday

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"One, two, three, jump, pirouette, land, Paige you're getting lazy! Prep and flip!" Caila, our dance instructor yells in her Russian accent. The 13 other dancers land lightly while I feel like an elephant on rollerblades. "That was okay but now we have to work on the front aerials. When you land, you need to bend your knees more to make sure that you don't land too heavily or hurt yourself. Same thing goes for when you prep, you have to bend your knees to give you more of a lift. Let's try this again."

We spin, jump, fall and do complicated tricks for about 20 minutes before we are given a water break. I sigh, pulling at my booty shorts and re-adjusting my crop top and sports bra.

"Paige, Peyton and Madeline, I need you to all practice your landings, you are much too loud. Chase and Shane, work on your footing. Now, everyone come sit and talk." Caila calls out and we all obey, breathing heavily. "I know that most of you are over 18 but we do still have a few underage students. Vienna, Maddie, Peyton and Ivy, is there anyone else? Didn't think so. I need to speak to you four. Everyone else, get back to practice."

"I hope they aren't going to tell us that we are too young to dance in this group and that we have to be moved." Maddie whispers to me.

"Alright, girls." Caila claps her hands and we look at each other nervously. "You are underage so I am forced to give you this information. Everyone else in this group is over 18 so they can legally make their own descisions but the four of you are special. If you want, I can move you down to an easier level. This group is for dancers who are going to perform on international stages with celebrities. For kids your age, an adult has to be with you so I am going to have to keep the four of you always performing together that way I can keep an eye on you. Also, this is a mature team so we expect to not have any fooling around. We need parent consent for everywhere we travel to."

"Are you going to move us down to be with people our age?" Ivy asks suddenly.

"Not unless you want me to. You have enough talent to be able to stay here so I strongly encourage you to not waste it but the descision is up to you and your parents. There is also the matter of schooling. We travel alot and I expect all of your grades to stay above 80% or I will put you on probation. This means that you can't fall behind and are expected to continue your studies while abroad. Have you all found means to do so?"

"Maddie and I go to school together and we were able to join an online program to help us stay up to date while we are away and still be able to attend school while in town." I tell her and she nods happily.

"It's the same thing with Ivy and I. We go to school together and joined the online courses program."  Peyton tells us. I had no idea they were friends before they met this morning. Then again, they do seem awfully close and they did arrive together.

"Good, so that is no longer a problem. Another touchy matter is that you are all still growing so I want you to all have healthy and nutrious diets. No losing weight or else you will become twigs. I also forbid drugs and smoking for someone your age. You will be put on probation if you do so. Understood?"

"Yes, ma'am." The four of us reply stifly.

"Good, back to work!" Her Russian accent rings throught the studio and we rush away quickly to join the others. At least she cares about our well-being. I might actually grow to like her if she would stop yelling so much, especially when it is only 6:00 in the morning. 

Turns out that Maddie's little plan worked out very well and we were actaully able to function this morning and leave on time to make it to this morning's practice. We were tired but we got over it and are now an hour into the first ever practice. Then we get to go to school just to come back tonight. Lucky us.

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