Talked About

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"Now, girls. You know that we are all very proud of you for being accepted but are you sure it's what you want to do? It's almost 30 hours a week and you travel so much." My mom asks from the other side of the dinning table.

"Plus, you need to have really good grades this year for university." Maddie's mom pipes in. Maddie's parents and my mom and step-dad were all gathered around the table, talking about The Cambridge Academy of Dance and whether or not they should let us go. I already know that my parents will let me go but Maddie's aren't so sure.

"Mom, I'm 100% sure that I want to do this. Maddie and I already worked out a plan and everything. I've always wanted to do this." I plea.

"Fine. I suppose you can go." My mom smirks while Maddie and I high-five. "So tell me about this plan of yours."

"Well, since we have the same schedule, we would sleep over at each other's houses the night before and since we can both drive, every morning we would just take turns driving. We would wake up at 3:30am on the days that we have morning practice and make the 45 minute drive there at 4:00. Then practice starts at 5:00am so we would be there." Maddie replies simply. The parents narrow their eyes once again. 

"You? Waking up at 3:30am? Are you sure that's even possible?" Maddie's dad asks. 

"Of course! Please! We really want to do this!"

"You can go but if your grades start to slip we are pulling you out." Vince tells us seriously and we both nod. They excuse us from the table and we rush back to my room to celebrate. 

"I can't believe we are going to be professional dancers!" Maddie squeals, making me cover my ears. 

"Well you better believe it soon! Practice starts in a week!" I giggle in reply. "By the way, since when did we make that plan of waking up at 3 in the morning?"

"I made it in the car on the way back from the auditions while you were driving. I told you, remember?"

 "What was it again?"

"We wake up at 3:30 in the morning and leave the house at 4:00 so that way we get there at 4:45 and start practice at 5:00. We finish pactice at 7:30 and leave for school at 8:05 so that way we arrive there just before the bell at 9:00. That is our morning scedule for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. After school on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday we leave right after the bell rings at 3:30 and get there at 4:15 to start practice at 4:30 and leave for home at 7:30. On Friday nights, we leave early thanks to the early dismissal and leave at 1:30, get to the studio at 2:15 and practice until 5:00. On Saturdays we practice basically all day and we get Sunday off."

"Oh, wow. It's going to be really hard to keep that schedule. We will be spending our nights doing homework and studying then we will be dead in the morning." 

"Well, it might take a little getting used to but the good part is we will sleep over at each others houses so that way we can littlerally brush our teeth and hair then leave right away without having to go pick each other up. It really shouldn't be that bad." Maddie says twirling a piece of her straight brown hair in her fingers. 

   "We are going to be exausted by the end of every week. Where do our social lives fit into this?" I ask, falling backwards onto a couch in the main part of my room.

"On Friday nights we get back at 5:45 and on Saturdays we only practice for five an a half hours of our choice so if we started in the morning we would get off in the afternoon or we could sleep in and go later."

"So during the week we pactice for twenty-one and a half hours and practice to five and a half hours on Saturdays?"

"Exactly, and that comes to the grand total of twenty-seven hours!"

We won't be able to pull this off...

Authors Note: So, I realized that I am going to make them be able to drive even thought they are only fourteen. I don't think that you can drive at fourteen in Australia but let's just all pretend for the sake of the story that you can. Sorry about that but it just makes the story roll better (does that even make sense?). I am also sorry if their schedule is confusing... I wrote it more for my reference then for actual reading but the important part is that they do twenty one and a half hours of dance during the week and five and a half hours of dance during the weekend which comes to the grand total of twenty seven hours of dance. Another important part is that they have two and a half hours of dance training on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, they have three hours of training on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, they have two and a half hours of training on Friday afternoon's and then the have the entire weekend to complete the rest of the five and a half hours whenever they feel up to it.

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