Jealousy./Toby/Part 2.

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This is part 2.

I pull out my phone and begin to text Toby,
Hey, what are you doing later? Think we could go and catch a movie?
I pull up my head from my phone, and watch Toby grab his phone out of his pocket.
I can feel the guilt running over my body, but I need to know if I'm being cheated on.
Emily grabs onto my arm and moves me around the corner, "Get that guilty look off your face, right now." Emily said in a very harsh tone.
"You know I can't help it Em, I feel rude for judging him before I even know the whole story." I say as I throw my hair back and Emily moves her head to the side, "I know what you are getting at (Y/N), but it's best that you find out the truth for yourself instead of A texting you a picture of them two together." I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, I inhale a very deep breath as I begin to take out my phone.

Hey, I'm not going anything later. Oh and by the way, you and Emily aren't very good at hiding.

Oh no..I look at Em and turn the corner to see Toby standing there with that dumb, cute and very handsome smile on his face.
"Hey." I say in a very high tone where he gives me a side smile.
"I wasn't cheating on you. That girl that you seen me with is one of Jenna's doctors, she was only telling me to remind Jenna that her doctor appointment has changed." Toby says as I look at him, not yet so sure that she isn't trying to steal my man.
"How can you be so sure?" I ask and he laughs a little, "well I'm glad that you find my curiosity so hilarious." I say with a harsher tone where his face just smiles at me, "I know that she isn't after me because she very much likes girls." Toby says as my eyes widen.
My face goes bright red as Emily slowly walks around the corner.
"Well this is embarrassing." Emily says as I look at her and roll my eyes, "she made me do it." I point at Em like a child who doesn't what to get a scolding from there parents.
Toby looks at Emily who looks at him and tries to scrape her words together, "Well I'm not going to deny nor confirm that statement."

We both laugh at each other and I look at his stupid cute face, god I am so happy to have him.

Pretty Little Liars Imagines.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon