Finding out of the sex of the baby- Mike.

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I hope you guys like this, hopefully I will uplosd quite a bit today, I was in such pain yesterday with woman troubles :( but I'm okay now..
Anyway. If you guys want an imagine I will do it, all I need to know is the guy, what happens , and if you want a text from A.
And I also to thank you all for over 900 views on my book, really means a lot and I love you guys so much!

You are 6 months pregnant with Mikes baby, and you wanted to know the sex, and Mike even wanted to know by he had convinced himself that it was a baby boy.
"I think its a girl." You say as Mike shakes his head in disagreement.
"Girl." You both argue back as it causes you to laugh.
"It doesn't matter what sex it is, I'm going to love it no matter what." Mike says as you give him an 'awww' look.
"But its a boy." Mike says while running off.
"Hey! That isn't fair, I'm pregnant you little shit!" You shout as you hear mike laugh really loud.
"When's the appointment?" You shout as Mike comes down stairs and looks in his phone.
"3:30." He adds, then you realise that you are 6 months pregnant, which means you can find out the sex!
"Mike." You say sternly as Mike takes it the wrong way.
"Oh my god your waters just broke, come on, let's go! Come on." He says as he grabs his keys and runs to the door,
"No mike!" You laugh as hard as you ever laughed before.
"I'm 6 months in, so that means I find out the sex." You calm mike down as he smiles brightly.
"We've got 2 hours left so can we go and grab something eat?" You add as you put your coat on and Mike nods in agreement.

Mike drived to the Brew as you meet Toby and Spencer there,
"Hey girl." Spencer says as she hugs you , and you smile.
"So, is it a boy or a girl?" Toby asks Mike as he gives you cheeky smile and says "I've got a feeling that its a boy." Mike adds as you can be even more cheekier.
You pretend to cough and say girl in the middle of it, you laugh as Mike gives you a friendly glare.
You stay there for a good hour an half, with Spencer and Toby talking about the baby room and stuff. You and Mike make your way to the doctors appointment.
"hello Y/N." Your nurse says as you lay down in the chair, she pulls up your shirt and puts this cold gel on your belly, with Mike holding your hand. Moments here, you hear your babies heart beat as Mike smiles and kisses your hand.
"So what do you want?" She asks as Mike looks at you and gives you a grin.
"I've got a strong feeling that it is a boy." Mike says as you laugh and say..
The nurse giggles at you Two as you spend minutes bickering like two married people.
"Its a boy." The nurse says as Mike starts jumping up and down and as you feel defeated, but that doesn't matter because you have a amazing boyfriend and a baby, that you cannot wait to finally give birthday to him.
"I told you so!" Mike says with a smug look on his face. and as you shrug and giggle.

I'm sorry this is short.

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